Cartoons Keep Predicting The Future! - Coincidence Or Suspicious?

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Aug 17, 2016
The Simpsons - Predicted Donald Trump becoming President

What's your take on this Trinidad?

The Simpsons along with many other Cartoons predicted several future events.
I'll just highlight a few from the Simpsons in this post.


Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie have become everyone’s favourite family since creator Matt Groening launched the series in 1987.

But conspiracy theorists believe the show has accurately predicted world events, fearing the comedy’s creators have the inside gossip into alleged global plots.

And with
Donald Trump winning the elections – it appears all too conveniently coincidental.

(1) The Simpsons predicted Donald Trump becoming President 16 years ago

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Donald Trump as the president of the United States was predicted by The Simpsons.
The popular show foresaw Trump as a future leader way back in 2000.
In the episode Bart to the Future, the young lad is given a glimpse into 2030.
Lisa Simpson has taken up the presidency from Trump, who has left the country in debt.

She says: “We have inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.”

Her treasurer is Millhouse, who shows her a graph showing the country’s finances plunging to the bottom.

Lisa adds: “How bad is it, Secretary Van Houten?”

Millhouse replies: “We’re broke.”

Viewers then hear one of her advisors say America borrowed from every country in the world under President Trump.

Dan Greaney, writer of the episode, said Trump's inclusion in Bart to the Future it was a "warning to America".

He said: "That just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom.
"It was consistent with the vision of America going insane.

"What we needed was for Lisa to have problems beyong her fixing, that everything went as bad as it possibly could, and that's why we had Trump be president before her."


(2) The Outbreak of EBOLA Virus

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In an episode first aired in 1997, it’s claimed The Simpsons predicted the Ebola virus crisis that hit in late 2014.

Young Bart is in bed suffering from a fever when Marge suggests he reads a book called Curious George and the Ebola Virus.
The book’s cover features a book with a monkey, who appears to be suffering from an illness, lying in bed.
Many believe the species is the carrier of the virus, which killed thousands of people during an outbreak late in 2013.
Marge then asks if Bart would like to colour in a picture.

Bart replies “I already did” before pointing to a drawing of himself with daggers in his back with the words “SAD” as its title.

(3) The September 11th - Terrorists Attacks

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In the episode New York City Against Homer, Lisa holds up a magazine with the word New York accompanied by a number nine against a silhouette of the World Trade Centre – which makes the number 11.

The design, it is claimed, is a direct reference to 9/11.

The episode was first aired in September 1997 - a full four years before the terrorist atrocities in the Big Apple.

(4) The Rolling Stones Wheel Chair Tour

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The Rolling Stones have been around forever - and even The Simpsons creators could see them playing for decades.

In the 1995 episode Lisa’s Wedding, the eight-year-old looks into her future to her marriage in 2010.

She has a Rolling Stones poster in her room celebrating their “Steel Wheelchair Tour 2010”, referring to the band’s Steel Wheels shows in the 80s and their evergreen status even 15 years previously.

The Rolling Stones are STILL touring today, some six years after the fictional scenario, and even headlined Glastonbury in 2013.

(5) Controversial Voting / Rigged Voting Machines

The Simpsons centred the plot of one episode around rigged voting machines.
The machines counted votes for the Republican party even when Springfield citizens chose Barack Obama.

And the plot seemed eerily similar to complaints post-2012 election, when several Democrat supports complained about the exact same problem.

(6) Horse meat scandal

Earlier this decade, the Government launched a wide-ranging review into the horsemeat scandal to restore consumer confidence in the food they buy.

The move came after a series of revelations that beef products sold in supermarkets and served in schools and hospitals contained horsemeat.

The scandal first began to unfold when it emerged that frozen burgers supplied to several supermarkets including Tesco contained horse DNA.

Investigations revealed other beef products sold by retailers including lasagne and spaghetti bolognese were contaminated while meals in schools and hospitals had to be withdrawn after it was found they contained horse meat.

And, in a 1994 episode of The Simpsons, Springfield Elementary school uses the controversial and secret ingredient in its cafeteria dinners.

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(7) The Noble Prize Winner

Bengt Holmstrom of MIT and Oliver Hart of Harvard were announced as the joint winners of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Economics earlier this year - and the Simpsons predicted it.

Bart's long-trusted ally Milhouse predicted the win (his pick is to the right of Martin's circled red pick) in the 2010 season premiere.

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So what do you think?

Can all of these clips just be a mere coincidence to real life events that took place years after?
This video compilation includes some additional predictions...

Such as:

(1) Coming of the Apple ipod

(2) Feline Tamers getting attacked by tigers

(3) Neymar's Injury - Match against Colombia

Make you also wonder about Lisa's resemblance to Hilary Clinton...
I just wanted to highlight the similarities in the Voter Map Prediction VS Actual Results from this edited video compilation.

They even predicted the Results Map Accurately!
