Car Parks In Trinidad & Tobago

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Jun 9, 2008
Regular Car Park talk ..have anything good/bad or experiences relating to car parks .. Write it here !

RANT: Center City Mall Car Park

Do you have to pay banks to use their car park? A parking area for a bank is a service offered to customers & free of charge since they provide you with secured parking and comfort, when using their establishment. I have visited many banking establishments over T&T and i never had to pay to enter the car park.

Republic Bank is located in the compound of Center City Mall which charges $7 per hour to enter their gates. There are 3 buildings on total : Center City Mall , Republic Bank and A Multistorey Car Park. Republic Bank has their own Parking area to the front of the building and also the multistorey entry has a ticket booth . The agreement was that banking customers will be free to enter the gates and will not be charged to park in the bank's car park. If they want to bank and conduct other business after, they can pay to park in the multistorey or other parking areas on the compound.

Now, the Mall boycotted the ticket booth to the multistorey and are charging both banking and mall customers $7 an hour by the entrance gates. So if you are a banking customer and lets say you have to wait 3 hours to be attanded to because of low turnout of tellers , then you have to pay $21 for the banks fault.

What is your thoughts on this ?
My actions have been to totally avoid going to the mall because often times there is traffic to drive through the car park. Secondly, my thoughts have been frustrated with how difficult it is to find park in that place sometimes, as for Christmas.

Its also wrong to charge the bank customers when their parking should be free but the bank has to take that up with the mall parking management or else all we can do is go elsewhere and having to pay $7 is an inconvenience because sometimes I might need to park my vehicle in order to access an ATM to get cash to pay for parking to start with. I'm not happy about it but all I can really do about it is just avoid going to that specific mall.
I think the bank should deal with that as many customers would be turned off. I would find another bank just because of that. I can't count how many times I've gone to do a simple thing that takes less than ten minutes at the teller but half a day or more waiting. That's way too much of an inconvenience for customers. I think in that scenario, many customers would have chosen to make that their main bank partly because of the parking convenience and are regretting that while this inconvenience continues.
No i am not experiencing any of this type of situation that to pay for the parking.Actually i am a mechanic by profession so i have no work with the business pyramids but i go to the events of cars but i never pay for the Car park.