car maintenance

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
BATTERY:you should know where your car battery is located and check it periodically to make sure it is not leaking acid and has adequate water( distilled water)
MOTOR OIL:For an accurate reading, check the oil dipstick while the car is turned off and parked on a horizontal plane. If the oil on the dipstick is black or deep red, have the oil changed by a professional or change it yourself if you're feeling confident. To check the oil level, pull the dipstick out and wipe it clean with a rag, then plunge it back into place. Pull the dip stick out again and hold it horizontally for an accurate reading. Be sure the oil on the stick is just under or right at the correct oil-level line or indicator hole; it should never be over. Putting excess strain on your hard-working car by not changing its oil will lead to care
When its time to sell your car or make repairs, having maintained some of these basic areas will really pay off. Negligence is the most common and costly way to see your money go down the drain on repairs that could have easily been avoided.
Good info these things should be done if not weekly monthly, i know people who don't check their oil for months

What are they?
Your car’s brake system is its most critical safety system and you should check it immediately if you suspect any problems. A properly operating brake system helps ensure safe vehicle control and operation under a wide variety of conditions.

What do they do?
When you push the brake pedal, the force generates hydraulic pressure in the master cylinder. This pressure flows through the hydraulic lines and hoses to the wheel cylinders and calipers, forcing the shoes against the drums (drum brakes) and the pads against the rotors (disc brakes). The resulting friction slows the vehicle and is relative to the amount of force applied at the brake pedal.

Typical Wear and Tear
Brakes are a normal wear item for any car and eventually they’re going to need replacement. Avoid letting your brakes get to the “metal-to-metal” point, which usually means accelerating expensive rotor or drum replacement. Several factors that affect wear include:
• Driving habits
Blowouts: If your tire blows out while you are driving, do not slam on your brakes. this will cause the vehicle to swerve in the direction of the blowout. Instead, gently apply the brakes to regain control and slowly guide the vehicle to d side of d road. Air pressure: To help avoid under-inflation, check your tires air pressure at least once a month and before every long trip. Tires must be checked before they have been run no more than one mile (1.6 km). Under-inflation is the leading cause of tire failures/blowouts.
Ok, its official. I checking madsuya for all my car good info! Thanks.
i'm changin my nuckle joints and plugs, last week i bought two new front tyres an aline an camber!!!
Waxing or polishing ur car will keep it looking new and protected from the elements, No matter d type u use always be sure to get a product that is safe for “clear coat” paints, most vehicles have a clear coat/ base coat paint. When cleaning and waxing your car surface always follow the instructions carefully, and use the proper applicators and cleaning towels!!! ask friends wether they use a paste wax or a liquid and don’t be afraid to ask questions at your parts store.
LIGHTS: Lights play a major role in safe driving – the chances for accidents increase if you can’t see or be seen, in trinidad and tobago we have a fines of $1000 for damaged or nonfunctional bulbs, if you detect any problems with your car’s lights or wipers, have them checked out at once coz dis requires periodic replacement, the lighting system provides nighttime visibility, signals an alerts other drivers, supplies light for viewing instruments and the vehicle’s interior

Single Edge Razor Blades
Paper Towels
Window Cleaner

Roll down ur glass to one-third, just enough for you to see the tint and d window
Slide one of the single razor blades behind the tint, start to peel the tint off, in your direction. Once you have peeled a big piece of tint, good enough for you to firmly hold in your hands, you can pull off the remaining tint by your hand. If there is any more tint piece left, follow the same process again, using razor blades ( Roll d glass up while peeling to remove the remaining tint from d bottom of d glass)
After removing all, you will notice some residual glue left behind, take any extreme aerosol spray and spray it right on wherever you see the glue residue, use d razor to scrape away the glue and repeat the process until you have removed all
After removing the glue completely, spray generous amount of window cleaner on the window. This will work to remove any glue streaks or marks left on the window.
Repeat the complete process on all the other windows as well.
How to jack up a car safely

Step 1. MOST IMpORTANT - find a flat and solid surface to jack up your car.
Don't jack up any car when it is not on level ground or has an uneven surface.

This is just asking for trouble and you could end up in hospital or worse.

Step 2. Make sure that the handbrake is fully on and the car is in gear.

Step 3. Secure the wheel on the opposite corner to the one you are removing, example if you are changing the wheel on the front passenger side (nearside), then you should secure the rear drivers side (offside) wheel. The wheel should be 'chocked' so as to help prevent the car from rolling when we lift it with the jack.

Step 4. Put the jack into its jacking position and take the weight if the car slightly. DO NOT LIFT THE WHEEL OFF THE FLOOR. If you are using the manufacturers jack then it will be easy to locate the correct jacking position. If you are using a trolley, bottle or scissor jack you will need to find a strong and secure place under the car to position it.

Step 5. The reason for not lifting the wheel fully off the floor is so that we can loosen the wheel nuts slightly and with it on the ground the wheel won't spin around. If you were to jack up the car fully and then try and loosen the wheel nuts, the wheel will most likely just keep turning around.

Step 6. Now raise the car slowly with the jack until the tyre is off the floor.

Step 7. At this point you can now fully remove all of the wheel bolts and put the safely to one side. Now you can remove the wheel by just lifting it off the car, mind your back as large wheels/tyres can be heavy. Place the removed wheel under the car as a back-up to the jack.

Step 8. Now you can fit your replacement wheel, making sure that the bolt holes on the wheel are lined up with the holes on the car wheel hub.

Step 9. Lower the car to the floor with the jack and remove it. Now perform the final tightening of the wheel bolts using the same sequence as shown above.

Step 10. Remove all tools and equipment to you have used and store them away safely.