Car Ad Scams

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Just a little warning to be safe out there . There are many scammers out there that take your 'downpayment' money. Make sure and meet at a police station or somewhere recorded to do money transactions.

A San Fernando man is claiming he was scammed after responding to a car ad for the sale of a vehicle.

Mervyn Simon, 50, of Dallas Avenue, Cocoyea, said he saw an advertisement in the Express for the sale of a Nissan Wingroad station wagon and made enquiries to purchase.

Simon, a cleaner at Goodwood Racing Service in San Fernando, said he spoke with a woman who told him he needed to make a downpayment of $19,000 and pay $1,900 monthly for three years.

However, Simon told the woman he could only afford $10,000 downpayment and a longer period for monthly instalments was agreed to.

Simon met with a man, whom he was told would collect the money on the woman's behalf.

Simon paid the man $10,000 and received a receipt and a copy of his driver's licence from the transaction dated March 20.

According to Simon, he did not view the vehicle before making the downpayment and was told by the woman the vehicle was not available currently for viewing.

After several attempts to contact the woman since the payment, Simon said she refuses to answer his calls.

He eventually made a report to the police on April 4.

Simon said he sold his own vehicle to make the downpayment for the purchase of the newer one.

"I just want back my money, nothing else but my money...I work hard for that," said Simon.

The San Fernando Police Station is investigating the case.

Attempts to contact the number listed in the ad went unanswered yesterday.
while I can sympathize with the man he should have seen the vehicle before a down payment. for all anyone knows there may have never been a vehicle for sale and this was probably a scam to take someone's money.
Unfortunately this man fell for it. Action needs to be taken to the highest extent.
Not only should he have seen the vehicle, but gotten a certified copy and proof of ID at the very least from the people doing the sale before any money passed. Sounds like all he had was the phone number from the ad and nothing else.
Correct. He went on their word above taking the careful approach. Trinidad is riddled with smart men all over. From shops to car sales its very risky being the average consumer .
I feel for the man but as you all stated he should of seen the car first....and then with the money he put out he should of at least gotten their dp and pics of the people
True! i agree . Even though i felt sorry for him, he supposed to know better and i am sure he had experiences with transactions before. I hope they trace back the person who put up the add through their database and catch these thieving people !
As much as its not good to say, most of these people slip through the cracks in Trinidad. When the person whom they robbed seems to be a threat , as in the scammer disappears and is found by the person they scam, they come up with plans to bump them off. Buying and selling cars has become very risky business in Trinidad. Wanted to spray Purple Blaster in some of the caller's mouths already for their attempts at smartness.
Very true. I'd also advise not going alone. Best case scenario, bring a mechanic to see the car with you (supposing there is an actual car and all).
Very true. I'd also advise not going alone. Best case scenario, bring a mechanic to see the car with you (supposing there is an actual car and all).

Think I'm going to wrote a discretion thread about buying and selling cars.