Can money buy true happiness?

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Jan 23, 2008
Can money buy true happiness?

This question has came up several times while chatting with friends, I really don't think it can...

What are your opinions on this question?
if money can't buy happiness ... Neither can poverty
Yeah money or lack of money doesnt affect your happiness. and if money could buy happiness i still couldn't afford it. Who'd want to sell thier's anyway.. I'd want to keep mine. But its a good thing anyone can afford to be happy its so free :)
One only way money can buy true happiness is when you give to the poor and those how need the money more then you. That is the only way money can be true happiness
Yeah ever heard the saying when u give alot with a kind heart u get alot in return doesn't have to be money but blessings which is better than money
Money jus makes you happy while its there...and when its gone well yuh sad again.....
Right now money is bringing alot of people into crime and crudeness
true happiness is being with people who actually make u happy ....
Yeah...true happiness is love in ur heart not love in yuh hands that does scratch for money
ya money sucks butt. lol its good and bad, it cant buy happiness, ppl said it b4 happiness is in the heart, u could be poor and happy. u could be rich and not be happy. lol too much skillz my brain hurts :signlol:
U can also be rich and happy but not love....happy bcuz u have de money
seems these days ah have none of d above and if money bought happiness ah woulda only have little bit wit my salary!!!
It is indeed true that money can't buy happiness.................but it can sure buy a hell of things that :Yea:
Yes wispa but would you be satisfied after you have it or it mash up after and you're left with nothing?
You can never be happy with money. Yes money can buy material things in life but all material things does mash up or come to an end and some day you will come to see the FINER THINGS IN LIFE like other people. Imagine if we did not have many to lead us on how much love we can develop for nature and simple things around us
Money is the root of all evil. Im sure all of you heard someone say this once and it is true, to a certain extent. Money causes temporary happiness but the only true happiness comes from requited love.