Can Keychain Damage Ignition?

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Jun 9, 2008
Yes it is proven to be true. A Heavy key chain can damage your ignition by its weight!
This is especially aimed to those who carry a multitude of flashlights, bottle openers and other gadgets on one key chain. A heavy keychain weighs down the ignition and can one day cause it to fail.When the weight of the keychain hangs, gravity continues to do its work and pull down. The ignition has to handle the weight when the car is at rest, while making turns, riding over bumps and going uphill. All this extra force continues to wear out tumblers in the ignition. A worn tumbler from the weight eventually will no longer be able to engage and turn the ignition lock. Once these internal parts start experiencing problems starting up the vehicle must be serviced for ignition repairs, meaning spending more money.Most car experts believe that nine keys or less will not cause damage. While some will say that weight ignitions are able to withstand up to three pounds of weight while the car is at rest. There is no definite answer, but if the keys feel heavy while in the ignition remove some items from the keychain.
Interesting. I have just one led torch/opener/fold out knife with my car key. Wonder if that too heavy
Hmm idk. I found this article to be quite an interesting read. I removed some of my keys after reading lol
Good read, some newer model vehicles I believe came up with a counter measure . The keys now come in a fold key case which not only allows it to be neater but when the key is in the ignition the weighted part bends to the side thus preventing any long term damage. See the pic.
I can attest to this.
I had an ignition/engine starting switch go bad on me. It started as a very minimal problem. One out of ten times the car would not start it park. When that happened, I would pull the gear shifter down into neutral.
As time went by, it would not even start it neutral. I had to really rough up that key in the ignition to get the car to start. Sometimes, for like a couple mins well I would be trying to start the car.

I went to an electrician and found out that it was the ignition. It could not be repaired. I had to get a switch. A foreign used one. Upon research on possible causes, I saw that excessive weight on the ignition causes the switch to fail. At that time I had the car key, house key, miniature LED light and one big Carib bottle opener. I had the ignition changed and I removed everything except the house key.
Yes it really does.. My uncle is a big limer and has all kinda stuff on his car keys bottle opener, carib souvenir, miniature pack of cards etc. Awhile now his entire ignition has been shaking and now has to be replaced. Prettying up key chains is long time thing now
Not really a myth but yes, it is dependent on the heaviness of the keys in relation to the ignition .
I think its not good to say that about the Key Chain,Their is no connection of the Key chain with ignition.However if the Key chain is heavy in weight so may it will damage other wise not.