Business man kill lover then self

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
Attorney-at-law Margaret Shanta Parsad was killed by her ex lover, for refusing to reunite with him. He slit her throat with a chopper then drank gramaxone... She had two children , a 22 year old son and a teenage daughter.
Margaet Shanta Parsad was a well known individual through her father Attorney Mewahlal Chatoor....
damn, that's sad, i feel sorry for their two children, now they got to live the rest of their lives parent-less wow if she didn't want him, then she just didn't want him!! why can't these men understand that =[
This is what yuh call OBSESSED.... She broke off the relationship like five years ago but the man insisting to be a part of her.... She even had a restranding order against him..... I guess money made its way to the order paper and now she's dead !
why do people like to take the life of others man did not create life so why. this country just good to the dogs yes
That man is sad he doh know bout movin on or what!!!
Again, with this type of behaviour from some men in our country! I don't understand these men that resort to killin a woman because she spurned your advances.....big-ass old man like he!!! this does get me really upset. If alyuh aint working out, go alyuh seperate ways nah dammit! No! yuh have to kill de woman..steups..These men and dey "If I can't have yuh no-one else can" mentality! Then claimin bout dey love...thats not love that's an obsession..
Not much information about the man in news or the newspaper...They only highlighting Margaret Shanta Parsad and her family...Yes she dead but he too dead... Y they don't bash him...
Anyway, Margaret Shanta Parsad son had to write his final exam in london on monday which i think he did but under some pressure im sure...her daughter is doing A's in AJSA in south ... She too had exams.... The funeral would be weekend because they are awaiting for her family away to come....