Breathalyser is now LAW!!!

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
Finally they did it they made the breathalyser a legal way of determining... drunkness.. Let's see what effect it will have on people's behavior or the occurrence of traffic accidents.
Now that its finally law after so long, its up to the authorities to enforce its use now.
you know how long this suppose to come out since 2001, but i don't understand what the minister say about the limit is .3 % i don't understand that
Quite literally means 0.3 percent of your blood volume can't be alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed directly into the blood stream and starts being metabolised soon as it reaches the stomach. So puncheon is 70 percent alcohol and a flask is.. what 750 mililiters? The average adult has 5 to 6 liters of blood. Do the math.. cuz i suck at math lol.
well done, long overdue, now ppl will be more alert, have respect for d law
and start to think about limitin their intake!!!
AS far as I knew, a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of 0.08% and over is considered illegal. A toxicity of 0.3% is enough to cause death by acute poisoning, like Raucous mentioned. Here's a chart to show the effects of alcohol to human at different toxicity levels.
well ppl will drink more country side where d police wount be, trickdadians dey call us,
we have a cure for all!!! so wat dey doin wit u an ur car if dey catch u drunk an drivin,
do u go to jail d same nite an ur car impounded!!! ah wonder if d police station have place for weekend drunks!!!
As far as I've heard, you are "initially" fined for the sum of $8000.00 and sentenced to 6months in prison. You also run the risk of having your DP (Driver's Permit) suspended for at least 3yrs. And any subsequent similar arrests , the fine as well as prison-time will be increased.
ah wonder if d police are well trained to do d test on civilians and
can dey prove its you who's test it is coz ah drunk man can blow
in d machine
They are being trained to use the device as well as deal with situations when necessary. At least that's what the authorities said on the news.
ah hope its not ah crash course coz dem police will want bribe, an let ah drunk man blow in d device an pin it on u, dats y ah want to see some kinda way it should prove it's ur own (breath) u know wat ah mean nah, coz ah will say it wasen't me!!! d way dem police trickin civilians yuh never know wat dey will do coz we r trickidadians!!! :evil:
U Understand. Chewing Brown Paper? And the public need to know this why? Lol now i think all the drunkards will walk with brown paper in their cars
Last weeek five men made history by appearing in court because of the breathalyser. They were charged (I think) $2500 or six weeks in prison... One of them were charged $5000.00...
Lawd this is so goood....Alteast its being used to kinda catch the drunkards who have potential to cause accidents
ITs not only the drunks who cause accidents more accidents happen when people are not drinking. Alot of the men these days seem to only like speed so i don't think that only drunk drivers should be pinned to a cross here!
OK so we as a country have been complaining about implementing the breathalyser & we finally have it. The question now is: IS IT BEING USED PROPERLY?


As you can see a breathalyser shouldn't be used within 20 minutes of consuming alcohol. When do you think police stop people to use it? Also it says it should not be used on someone who has just been smoking. How many people do you know that smoke AND drink? Now whether smoking will give a bad reading, or whether it will be a health risk as the person has to use their lungs to blow or maybe both I can't say & the law book doesn't specify. Lastly in the U.S. suspects have the RIGHT to refuse the breathalyser and to be taken to the station for a more accurate & hygienic reading (I mean seriously you don't know whose mouth was on the device before you or even how long before you for that matter; "me put my mouth on dat? yuh mad or wha?"). The question remains: IS IT BEING USED PROPERLY?
the mouth pieces should be disposable, i saw a demonstration on tv where they were but do the police care if it is or not? lol i think the training should be continual, this is to much of a big deal to have only one training session, it should continue periodically.
if i'm ask to take d test ah go tell dem meh tongue hav ah sore an ah go spit up on d machine!!! an say meh tongue sore due to ah STD so dey mite fraid to touch meh, ah
go real spit up an dribble...... lol :wacko: