Blink Internet & Geography in the Caribben

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
ANyone who has BLink internet can tell you that as of lately, it is simply unusable 40% of the time and slow for 60% of the time it is useable. Calls to the customer service line mean waiting about an hour to get through because there are so many people facing issues. It seems that with the seismic activity taking place in our region some of TSTT's fiber optic lines have become damaged. The cable and phone lines were repaired as I was told by the representative but no ETA can be given on when the internet line will be repaired and there is absolutely no update or status about repairing this line available. All that can be said is the line is damaged, they can't say when it will be fixed because they don't know.

I am starting to get very frustrated and having serious considerations going back to Flow because the customer representatives won't even say they are sorry, they are just saying that some sort of rebate and compensation can be worked out after the problem is resolved. So in the mean time we must continue to pay full price, deal with the frustration and listen to "I don't know" indefinitely.
While I do understand they have issues with the lines, don't tell me you don't know, that's really bad and aggravating.
I have a high end Gionee smart phone that I am trying to fix for someone and I cannot do anything other than download a few utilities of small size and surf the net at speeds that I'm not paying for. I tried to download a big file that is needed to fix the phone and it won't get past 12mbs without the speed hitting 0 bytes and the download failing.

For most of my day at home I have to use my Digicel 4G internet which I pay to use for when I am not in a wi-fi zone. I may as well just cut off the Blink internet and go back to Flow, at least I had internet that useable.

Has anyone else been suffering as much as I have? How is Flow at the moment?
Reporting from the San Juan area, Flow working good. Maybe TSTT don't have the funds right now to fix it or the people they sending afraid of the volcano and don't want to go.
Reporting from the San Juan area, Flow working good. Maybe TSTT don't have the funds right now to fix it or the people they sending afraid of the volcano and don't want to go.

Lol will really have to give Flow a second try.
I was experiencing problems even before this incidence occurred, i'm currently using the Blink 4G service and sucks. Even since of inception the service only works from 12:30am to 6:10am and when it kinda works between that time it works like dialup speeds. I fedup with blink because i went in many times and its a set of run ah rounds.
I am not surprised to hear about the run around. They are always aware of things and telling customers some excuse.

Atleast with Flow whenever it was giving trouble it was the modem most times.
Lol seems like y'all having rell problems...I saw the speed dropped a bit but not to the level that nirtime experiencing...interesting tho
I'm not the only one having this problem with Blink since the "problems". If it doesn't improve in time I will have to switch by force.
You could switch and buy a new linksys router and see if that would help out, if at all. The modem I use is about 30-50 feet away and I literally get no internet between 4pm-9pm sometimes and I'm the only one on the network. If I do go about 20 feet closer I do get up to 12mbps but at this range I get 10mbps peak and about 1mbps min, averaging about 4mbps during the days and 10mbps around this time (3 am).
The problem with Flow isn't their routing, its the actual modem. When I had flow previously I had a business grade Linksys Valet router and it kept needing to be reset along with the modem.

When Blink actually worked before it needed no attention and worked great.
flow modems a bit special when they ready lol i have no complaints with them except some weird occurrences with the latest router they for tstt sometimes the speed you could be getting is affected by the settings the router have on it, if it changes randomly...i know cause i used to get that in my earlier and i had to call them to get the walk through over the settings and passwords
When they fix problem I wonder if I'll be with them still. I'm still unable to fix the Gionee smart phone and that has me very pressured.
lol give back the person their phone lol simple solution or go by them and do it infront their face lol
if it do dl use the md5 sum checker to make sure b4 you end up in more troubles lol
I just decided to leave it for now yes. I will have to either wait or switch. If they telling me they doh know next time I call I gonna get mad.
It's been idk how long and there have been no updates from Blink on the situation. I depend solely on the internet as I simply do not look at the tv or use a land line. I got a new game for my Play Station and it is giving me a lot of trouble to update with the absolutely poor connection I am suffering with.

Other users in my household are getting very stressed since they cannot stream a simple, low quality movie. As time goes by, the response that blink doesn't know and rebates afterwards are seriously sticking out as good motives to switch back to FLOW. At least i had a working connection despite it being a little slower than rated.
Please i urge you DO NOT SWITCH TO FLOW i was now going to do a rant on flow but i saw this post. I canot use the internet 90% of the time. It was gotten that bad and the phone line also goes dead a few hours of the day plus the internet cuts too.

I thought it was only me but i saw a few people complaining over facebook TBS. During the day is a bust and the night is more worst. I cannot load videos, webpages or even send messages through facebook . Right now as i am typing this post my wifi has a yellow triangle on it .

I wish one of those big time Western Internet providers come down here like AT&T or Tmobile and you will see how digicel, blink and flow will step up their game. They are slacking because they know that we have no choice to stick with them. It is getting ridiculous !
Just reboot the modem, that should solve it. I never really had major issues with flow in my area.

ANyway, update: Apparently the issue has been resolved. Speeds are much better than they were previously but the connection is still not very stable. It is however, much more usable now and I am glad for that.
Rebot Modem, wait long hours , wait weeks which they never showed, phone line going dead all the time during the day ..

I hope they do something about it ... And we get no rebate eh
Rebot Modem, wait long hours , wait weeks which they never showed, phone line going dead all the time during the day ..

I hope they do something about it ... And we get no rebate eh

Rebate doesn't exist in T&T if you ask me. Blink also spoke of rebate after the fixes, I'm yet to see the bill but I don't think any rebate will be given. So it's that we're paying for lackluster service. A third fiber optic provider needs to join in the battle and it needs to be someone serious about things to drive these two complacent companies Blink and Flow to provide better service.