Be-aware when sending your pc to be repaired

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Be-aware when sending your pc to be repaired! i always tell people. The reason for this is that recently alot of pc Technicians ( Either from companies or individuals) look through you personnel stuff like you pictures and upload it on some of Trinidad's most disgusting sites.
Females so be very aware of this because you all are most victim of this. Even if you tend to make your pictures hidden any one can still have access to them. When they upload it to certain sites the site owners don't do anything if you make a complaint because they don't care.
Buts that's not all when you pic is uploaded any one can access it and people make some of the most disgusted comments on your pics, I believe that its time a law should be passed on certain sites that don't want to remove people's pictures from their sites.
So don't say i did not warn you make sure you trust you Pc Technician and if you can stay with them when they are repairing your pc just don't drop it off.
This is some good info to share. Everyone please take note of this. It happens alot.
hmm my old tech he more than f................. up my pc , it come back workin like a dead dead.........
Shux...i sent mine to fix and when it came back all my hidden files were shown so i jus wondering what he really scoped out in my pc
*ahem* for all those that are in need of computer repairs, I will be happy to accommodate you. I do pc repairs, pc building, troubleshooting etc. All for a price that won't break yuh pocket. I'ma certifiably trainned CompTIA A+ and Network+ technician. I am very professional and respect my customer's privacy. So any one in need of my services, can pm me. I also do pick up and dropping of your systems if needed. (depends on location).
Well its not like we can't trust you lol make you should make a topic in the classifieds section to promote this
Good info Admin, I hope people understand this but this is such a strong topic why is it that people don't reply hmmm
Here are some measures people can take to either prevent or significantly reduce this:

1. Upload pics & docs to an online storage/file hosting site e.g. Depsoit Files, Hotfile, 4shared etc.

2. Use Lock My Folder which will allow you to lock files, folders and even drives.

3. For those people that save all their passwords in a text file you can use KeePass a free password manager.

With one or more of these measures in place it will be impossible or at least difficult for someone to access your files while in their possession whether willingly (to be repaired) or unwillingly (in the case of theft).
Thats some great info their ArbiterOfTruth alot of people will find that useful since flash drives are typically 16 gigs and dvd's are 4.7 gigs some online storage that ArbiterOfTruth outlined allows up to 50 gigs free.
Yes people. This has been going on for a very long time, but only recently its coming to the forefront. Invasion of privacy! You sending your pc to fix, and these people going through all your pictures and videos and even saving some of them. Take it by someone you trust if you can't remove them before it has to get fixed or password-protect folders!