Bad Habits ?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Bad habit can be defined as a negative behavioural pattern that has continual repition.
Everyone has a bad habit ..

What are yours ?
I'm sure I have a lot.

Right now I can identify:

Biting my lips until they bleed

Eating sugar and craving sugary things

Overeating and Stress eating


Zoning off

Forgetting to water my plants until my growbox looks like the Sahara Desert :(
Biting my nails omg i cannot stop that don't matter how much people threaten me.

Cutting people when they are speaking on the phone
I cut my nail biting habit in my teens by starting to grow my nails really long. Don't need to let them grow to fight the urge anymore and I haven't bitten them since.

However, I do occasionally bite the flesh around my nails :(
My nail biting is because of my anxiety . i bite until i bleed :/ ..I even bite out false nails too lmaoo. I am in the need of some serious help
I was like that too lol. Have you tried nail polish? That helped me too. I put layer and layers of it so when I bit my nails I got the nasty taste of the polish with the nail and used clear polish on the skin around my nails to add to it. WHen you use nail polish remover to take the polish off, that leaves a nasty taste too.
girl nasty taste don't both me ..i tried the nail polish made specifically for biting nails and they failed. I even tried acrylic and i bit those out too. :/ My family is fed up of it and i just cannot help it
Oh no :/ Hope you find something that works eventually
Eventually yes lol .. I think i need to control my anxiety issues. As soon as i slighty feel anxious my nails just look good to bite. I do it also unknowlingly and then catch myself lol. However, it doesn't stop me from trying..
I can relate; I may have cut off the nail biting but I seem to have replaced it with other bad habits lol
Speaking of biting nails, I just bit my already bitten nails again.... I do bite the skin sometimes too.... Bad habit and more bad habit. Can we stop it?
I think I have to try nail polish around the nail to stop biting the flesh...maybe alcohol swabs too lol It's super gross and I just need to stop!
When I have too much to do I usually bite even more lol I wonder if coating it in aloes would work? I think it's just a nervous habit for me so I probably need to stop being so nervous so often to begin with lol
True sometimes I wonder if the reason I bite/chip my nails is due to nerves.
Possibly. I've identified the cause of a lot of my bad habits being linked to emotions eg nervousness, stress, feeling down, etc. So for me, the more pressing issue is working out those emotions more productively rather than blocking the specific actions for others to develop.
Yup..sometimes when im watching a movie too i bit my nails. I need how to handle anxiety on the whole. To stop a bad habit is to transfer the addiction to another habit
I don't even realize most of the time when I bite my lips and I bite til they bleed as well. Definitely need to get a hold on that!