Baby fell into sewage pipe accidentally. Warning Pics

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
This is all over the internet and the news, a Chinese woman claimed that she accidentally gave birth in a toilet where the baby fell into the sewage.

She is 22 years of age singe and said she wanted to get an abortion but could not afford it, She is reported to have raised the initial alarm, despite not admitting it was her baby until later.
Read the article here.

The fall of a newborn baby into a toilet pipe in China was accidental and his mother will not be prosecuted, local officials said Wednesday, adding the boy is healthy.

The mother, 22 and unmarried, had kept her pregnancy secret and gave birth unexpectedly when she went to the lavatory on Saturday.

The newborn fell into the squat toilet and became stuck in the tube, police in Jinhua in the eastern province of Zhejiang said earlier.

“Our investigations showed it was an accident,” a local police officer who declined to be named told AFP, and confirmed the mother will not be prosecuted. She refused to give further details.

The head of the hospital, Wu Xinhong, said the infant was healthy and ready to be released.

“His condition is good but his relatives have not come to pick him up yet,” he told AFP.

Police have said the mother was in serious condition due to complications from the delivery, while authorities were still looking for the baby’s father.




This is very sad, for some reason I have a feeling the woman did it on purpose.

Good to see the baby survived.