Are You Taking Part In Carnival 2015?

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Jun 9, 2008
Anyone taking part in carnival this year?

Honestly i used to play Jourvet with a very mature safe band, however, i am not feeling it this year at all. I am just feeling to stay at home and sleep the night away. Carnival environs is getting worst every year from crime to clothing. What you guys up to?
I won't even be in Trinidad. I don't take part in the modern carnival, from the music to the parades I don't condone it.
I never take part in carnival nor will I ever partake in such festivities.

For ethical reasons as well as my broughtupcy I have learnt that this baccanal season ppl like to call carnival is a season of primarily sin, and I hate the way people carry themselves around the streets in full view of children with their unruly , explicit behaviour.

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago has gotten worse and worse each year

And what I hate about carnival the most is whenever I'm driving ,in full police presence, people still continue to throw paint and other substances on your car. I nearly was arrested for beating a man for that kinda stupidness.

If that happens this year I will seriously hurt the person/persons who do it.
I never take part in carnival nor will I ever partake in such festivities.

For ethical reasons as well as my broughtupcy I have learnt that this baccanal season ppl like to call carnival is a season of primarily sin, and I hate the way people carry themselves around the streets in full view of children with their unruly , explicit behaviour.

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago has gotten worse and worse each year

And what I hate about carnival the most is whenever I'm driving ,in full police presence, people still continue to throw paint and other substances on your car. I nearly was arrested for beating a man for that kinda stupidness.

If that happens this year I will seriously hurt the person/persons who do it.

I must say, I share this view as well. Never had the paint experience but due to my background I also don't agree with it. I personally find its a season of "wildness". I probably shouldn't critique people and brand them for what they like but thats just how I feel about it.
Never played mas, I played j'ouvert exactly once. Benn in town a couple time to do photography '"for science"

Now, I stay in me mammy house, playing video games. I don't even look at it anymore. too much people, drunkeness, pickpockets, 'lucyness', etc

I will take a drive in to St. James/Woodbrook during last lap so my dash cam can capture any random madness and then upload it.
The band i used to play in was with mature people which meant decent clothing, little children, family oriented , no dutiness etc. We used to mostly chip and jump up . No kind of sexual behaviours were displayed. I loved it ! I was always a good experience . I was in the company with family members and relatives and it was very safe.

I know its part of our culture but i can't help but feel far from it . The crime, the sins , the drugs/alco , the nastiness ! I'm sorry but not this year! It might not be in the band but everywhere i turn i am seeing it and it disgusts me .
wowwwwwwwww is all i can say a note to the wise just cause some ppl may like carnival or participate in it and you dont doesnt give you the right to pass judgement or talk down the event. if you dont like the event NO PROBLEM YOU CAN PUT THINGS INTO PLACE TO AVOID SAID SITUATIONS.
and just because you play or partake in carnival doesnt mean that you are sinning your soul or will burn in the eternal flames of hell ALL YUH A BIT DRAMATIC WITH IT LIKE REALLY TOOO DAMN DRAMATIC ANY I WILLL SAY NO MORE CAUSE I GETTING REAL REAL UPSET BY SOME OF THESE CLOSE MINDED VIEWS
and just because you play or partake in carnival doesnt mean that you are sinning your soul or will burn in the eternal flames of hell ALL YUH A BIT DRAMATIC WITH IT LIKE REALLY TOOO DAMN DRAMATIC ANY I WILLL SAY NO MORE CAUSE I GETTING REAL REAL UPSET BY SOME OF THESE CLOSE MINDED VIEWS
No offense intended Minipuff, my apologies. I have nothing against anyone just because they like carnival irrespective of what i said earlier.

I honestly think it's good that people can enjoy themselves and im not going to judge.
I understand what you are saying Minipuff, but also there are people who would always be different in thinking and socialization. Their family grew them up in a strict way and to act and think differently. Nothings wrong with that. Everyone just have a different opinion about carnival. Long ago mas is different than it is today!

Some people are very lucky to take part in Carnival and have a good time . Some even were lucky to see lovely mas on stage in person and also lime with very safe people. Some were never robbed, touched up by strangers or had their vehicles vandalized even never witnessed a crime. However, others had bad experiences like myself that really turned me off from taking part this year. I love Jouvert but last year took the cake.

I usually played in Chaguanas and Environs and to see people sniffing coke and smoking weed infront of little children, to see a couple doing the dirty at the side of a building wasn't nice . I felt ashamed for little children and their parents as their childhood was indeed ruined. Even on facebook people were putting up Pictures of people caught doing the dirty all over the place. There is alot of crime in my area as well as i live close to Enterprise.
In other people's area maybe safe but i am not taking chances this year. I will watch and party from home. Enjoy to all who can! Have fun for me !
all i am saying is please be mindful when voicing opinions everyone is different and everyone have different experiences in life but dont condemn those who enjoy one thing cause you dont like it that is all and among all the beads and bikini there is still traditional mas you just have to look for it if you want o partake in it
all i am saying is please be mindful when voicing opinions everyone is different and everyone have different experiences in life but dont condemn those who enjoy one thing cause you dont like it that is all and among all the beads and bikini there is still traditional mas you just have to look for it if you want o partake in it
I get where youre coming from, i think we all were just stating our differences in isolation as i myself even if i see people doing whatever i wouldn't brand them because they are still people and i know that everyone has their preferences. I have absolutely no problem with Carnival and if you like to play carnival im happy that you can find joy in something which i cannot.
Kudos to those brave enough to partake! I completely avoid Carnival lol When I was younger I used to plan with friends about partaking and creating our own family safe band without the negative Carnival aspects in there, complete with bodyguards around us like Rihanna lol I'm nowhere near brave enough to even imagine trying that now with the negative experiences (and attached stigma as well) I've heard from others. If you like it, enjoy! If not, stick to the living room like me lol
How was it for those that participated?