Apple's Snow Leopard Bricking Some Macs

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Sep 12, 2008
I think this is really ironic. Apple's new paid-for service pack upgrade Snow Leopard is reported to be bricking some thousands of Mac user's machines.. Lol! To all those Mac fanboys who thought that MAc was the best thing since the coming of Jesus, must be choking now. The mighty Mac is no perfect after all. Some users are reporting that ater they upgrade, they are met with a black screen and a spinning beach ball...the beach ball in a Mac means that the processor is busy. Similar to the circle in Vista/ Win7 or the hour-glass in Xp. This is supposed to only last a few seconds, instead they're stuck at that point. They're calling it the "Spinning Ball of Death" How ironic that when Microsoft launched Vista and they suffered alot of problems, Apple had a field day. they capatilized on Vista bad reputation. Now the tables are turned. Windows 7 is a huge hit and Mac is suffering issues off the bat.. Hope Microsoft returnes the favour and capatilize on Apple's Read more here:
Lol this is really funny i fed up hear people boosting on mac this and that, did they not test this Os before they send it out they will loose alot of customers because of this, they should have known better testing is standard
Linux FTW.

Only ever used a mac once or twice before (my uncle has a mac mini). Hated it.......rather a PC or Linux anyday.
I personally have never used a Mac.. I admit i would like to..I have nothin against Macs. My philosophy is, use whatever OS you want to. If it works for you then it doesn't really matter. Just hated those snobby Mac fanboys who thought that there were part of an elite group of ppl who NEVER experience issues using mac.