Apple IPhone has Vulnerablility!!!

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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
For the Appple Iphone users out for the hills, it's an emegency...hackers have found a way to hack the Iphone. Security at the Black Hat event hosted in Las Vegas has released information that hackers exploit a security flaw in the Iphone and use it to bump the device off of the network carrier and use the security flaw for identity theft. The findings was passed on the Apple since June but the company ahs failed to issue a patch or fix for the problem. It was also noted that hackers have successfully used this flaw to eploit Iphones on at least 4 international carriers in Europe and the US, and the occurence can intensify in as little as two weeks.

Be warned Iphone users.
read more here:
WOW alot of people will be affected by this since alot of people don't know how to update the firmware on the phones it self, this would could be a serious issue since people can now hack into your phone and steal you contact info info about your self and you business numbers along with passwords id card bank card numbers if stored on the phone. And it seem like apple is having a hard time solving this security breach
Yeah, but hey, doesn't it feel wierd hearing of an Apple product being hacked??? Lol. I'm not disputin the fact that it does or does not happen; all i'm sayin is that it feels almost wrong to hear of and Apple product being exploited via a security flaw. This should bring all those Apple users back down to reality; thinking that they are untouchable. I'm not going to start a flame war here. I've never used a Mac,.I would like to though; but there is a very disgusting cocki-ness about Mac users. they think that it universally impossible for them to get hacked, or viruses etc.
^^You're not the only one who feels this way. It is funny to hear but we'd be fools to think that it was never possible. lol. I always wondered why hackers never pulled a big one with apple. We should expect it more now since apple products are used so widely. It doesn't matter what you use.. if more than ten people use it it will be hacked.
Woo thank god although i am sorry for the ones who were victims..poor users