Anyone Ever Tried Anything Outraging In Their Lives?

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Jun 9, 2008
Has anyone done anything that you consider to be life threatening but at the same time awesome?

Well lemme see when my father had a crane truck he made a hanging thingy like a bucket and one of us at a time got on and we raised us 70ft up in the air and swung us around i swore i could of seen the whole of longdenville
swam with the caymans in d caroni river once.....

tried to change d time on d old clock 3 stories high at john donaldson tech....buh failed......instead my bro did a striptease fuh d

involved in a car chase only to realize it was d police........

too much to say here
lol well my cousin sister-in-law when she was small swam in the caroni river but one of the kaymans got her and bite her leg and now she has a big scar there
Like being lonely...dats a good one..have u ever bored anyone with ur lonliness Rau jus asking?
lol/\ a recipe for a smoke bomb one time ....decided to use mummy stove to cook up d ingredients......lewwe jus say I buy ah new stove, kitchen cupboard and some flowers fuh mummy
lol, hmm what about roller coasters?? well i got on one twice last summer, the first time was good but the second time i was scared!! i actually closed my eyes after the second drop and i couldn't let go like i did the first time i rode it!! lol [youtube][/youtube] << song is funny!! lol Nitro- "230 feet in the air with a 215-foot dive back down to earth at speeds approaching 80 mph." is that outrageous? :Confused:
RauCous said:
I'll try... just have to muster the strength of will... lol.
Anybody ever play with fire in they're house? i did lol.

i did, i was lighting napkins in the sink and it went up too close to my hand and i dropped it on d bag of napkins by accident which was on the table so that lit up too, lol, an it flipped over and the table cloth started 2 melt and light up a bit so i grabbed everything real fast n threw it out the window then went outside and washed it with the hose lol the table was charred a bit and i was scared!!!!! but it was fun i still love fire and knives lol :icon_smile:
ohh my lolz . the only thing i did outraging is jumping into the deep blue sea from a friend's boat and swimming. i will tell you all i was dared to do it and after awhile it was scary