5 Facts You Probably Didn't Know about Trinidad and Tobago


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
With all the negative news going on, I thought I'd look for some tidbits of info that made Trinidad and Tobago seem cool again, and not like a morgue. What I found was not all good news, but still very surprising to me. I tested out my new knowledge on some folks that know all the curious good stuff already and they were indeed surprised by these facts. Check them out!

1. The law is all up in your pants. Consent is not required for marital sex, anal sex is illegal, and LGBT+ sexual relations is illegal, though these laws are usually not enforced. Offences of "buggery" (which is a slang term for anal sex but is what is actually used in the legal description) lead to: adults on adults (life imprisonment), adults on minors (25 years), or committed by minors (5 years). It is also illegal for members of the LGBT+ community to enter Trinidad & Tobago unless they are nationals. In either case, this is usually not enforced but can be used to make a strong case with other offences to keep an LGBT+ person out of the country.
Translation: It is illegal to be gay, homophobia is legally endorsed, and marital rape is approved; better make sure you have permission for kinky sex though!


2. Children can be married off against their will. You must be over 18 to marry under the civil marriage law, but religious exemptions allow child marriages from as young as 12. Under the Muslim marriage act, the minimum age is 16 for males and 12 for females. Under the Hindu marriage act, the minimum age is 18 for males and 14 for females. For both acts the consent of a party under 18 is not given by the child but by the father, or in the even of his death, the mother or an appointed guardian.
Let me break this down: even though sexual activity is legally okay between a male and female over 16 (not under), sex is automatically okay between a married male and female, no consent required (see #1). Which means a grown, old, perverted adult can legally marry a 12-17 year old and legally engage in sexual intercourse with their child bride/groom without consent i.e. sexual assault/molestation/ and statutory rape.
Translation: Parents can use religious marriage as a technicality to get rid of children as young as 12. Sell them off, trade them off, give them to pedophiles; as long as you "marry" them through a religious act, it's approved!


3. Nudity and half-nakedness is illegal (mostly). Wearing nothing but a bathing suit anywhere other than a beach is an offense; the only exception is during Carnival. Nude and/or topless bathing and sunbathing is also illegal. Once in public, women must wear tops and bottoms, and men must not be shirtless. Even in bars, in front of your house, and at functions (including weddings, birthdays, and parties in general. Hear that dhal belly, plumber crack offenders and drunken topless ladies? I said illegal!). Many officers do not enforce this but they have the right to, so keep your back covered! (<<See what I did there? :high5: No? :confused: Okay.)
Translation: Cover yo'self!


4. Trinidad invented popular, musical fun. Limbo, Calypso, Soca, and the Steel Pan were all created in Trinidad and greatly influenced by our ethnic and ancestral history and relations. The limbo dance originated as an event during wakes and was made famous by Julia Edwards and her dance company in the 1960s. These musical feats of enjoyment are now popular world-wide, stretching from Western countries to other islands around the world as well, despite the fact that many do not know that they originate right here in sweet, sweet, T&T.
Translation: Despite some disagreeable laws, we kinda invented fun. ♫Let's have a good, good time!♫


5. We are a popular fictional island setting. Though not specifically stated in these works, it is a little known fact that the famous novels Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe were actually based on a Tobago setting. The 1960 movie Swiss Family Robinson was also filmed in Tobago.
Translation: They like us, they really really like us! Well, really our sister isle since there's no mention of Trini influence, but on a technicality by association; they like us, they really really like us!



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Interesting read there, id like more facts I didnt know about Trinidad and Tobago.
Hemp based cigarettes are legal. I thought the PP was working to legalize gay marriages? Also, in prison there is a lot of overlooked buggery, this has even caused a big gang war out on the streets.
What really caught my attention

1. Yes young marriages are allowed here and i find that should be banned to 18+ strictly. I don't care about religious marriages. Once they are considered legal no problem, but to be a little child of 12 years married to a big man , come on nah that's not even right !

2. Men can get lock up for going outside bear back? Nearly all trini men does that lol

3. Ministers only talking about making trini 1st world, when in first world countries LGBT have rights and they are recognized. We cannot ignore this any longer
Hemp based cigarettes are legal. I thought the PP was working to legalize gay marriages? Also, in prison there is a lot of overlooked buggery, this has even caused a big gang war out on the streets.

I did not know about the hemp! I found an old statement issued by the PM about her intentions with equality for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity but nothing current. I was told by someone that the issue was quietly pushed aside for political reasons but there's no verification of that.

As with all laws, it's up to the authorities to enforce the law. Many authorities are aware of prison abuse and rape and some encourage or enable it despite knowing the law.

What really caught my attention

1. Yes young marriages are allowed here and i find that should be banned to 18+ strictly. I don't care about religious marriages. Once they are considered legal no problem, but to be a little child of 12 years married to a big man , come on nah that's not even right !

2. Men can get lock up for going outside bear back? Nearly all trini men does that lol

3. Ministers only talking about making trini 1st world, when in first world countries LGBT have rights and they are recognized. We cannot ignore this any longer

I find it alarming that child marriages are acceptable on that technicality as well and I see this as a great misuse of religion.

I've seen women and men missing clothing in public with nothing done but it's up to the authorities to enforce it if they choose to do so because the law does in fact exist.

I think our view of first world and politicians' view are very different lol
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Agreed with you both. The marriage loopholes are really crazy and cruel parents can really ruin a child if they wanted to given the nature of these religious laws which certain people would have no problen using.

Also I thought I might add:
1. The legal limit of driving intoxicated is 35ml(mililitres).
2. A road side test is conducted using a hand held unit and 15 mins after an evidential unit is supposed to be used to administer another test where a print out is given from the machine. If the alcohol level drops below 35ml at this time, persons should be free to go.
3. The age old saying of cardboard or brown paper does not and cannot fool the breathalyzer as It does not neasure mouth alcohol. There is no way to trick it.
4. If the police do not have an up to date calibration certificate the case can be dismissed in the court of law.
:O Woah! I know there are debates in some countries about what the breathalyzer limits on alcohol should be because not everyone gets drunk on the same amount of alcohol. People who really know about those points you stated can use those points to get away with no charges, even if completely drunk! These loopholes are messed up.
Chances are they will not because the breathalyzers are calibrated often. The most that will happen is an officer forgot to take the evidential after 15 mins and did so later.

The only thing that works is refusal. People will be charged for refusal but will not lose their jobs.
Was watching this was well where buzzfeed was testing the legal alco limit. check it out [video=youtube;QTrqGwj3XpA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTrqGwj3XpA[/video]
Very entertaining vid lol! But it definitely gives us something to think about.