3 New Notches On my Belt.


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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Well ppl....as you may have noticed, I've been kinda of absent these past few days. Well I've been gettin my "gamin" on...As of today i have beaten three titles.. Bioshock, Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault and Crysis. Yeh you heard me...Crysis....well i gearin up to tackle Assasins Creed, Fallout 3 and Dead Space...O' wat a good christmas its goin to be... :icon_cheesygrin:
wayyy, u got real skills. i avnt played a game that i finish yet, i sorta get bored when stuff get repeated. oo dead space is good but the dismemberment get repeatitive. lol. currently playinfg thru far cry 2, u should get that is awesomeness.
brbk4498 said:
wayyy, u got real skills. i avnt played a game that i finish yet, i sorta get bored when stuff get repeated. oo dead space is good but the dismemberment get repeatitive. lol. currently playinfg thru far cry 2, u should get that is awesomeness.
I hear yuh....i think i will pick up Far Cry 2..looks stunning...haven't played the first one tho....i now have a pc capable of playin games properly...lol..still have to upgrade tho...So how's FC2 going so far???
the dead space real sick, dont get dc frm wat i say its a ready wicked game, very dif no hud, its like controlin a movie. lol the fc2 goin real dread. i never played the first one either, wat gcard u runnin?
brbk4498 said:
the dead space real sick, dont get dc frm wat i say its a ready wicked game, very dif no hud, its like controlin a movie. lol the fc2 goin real dread. i never played the first one either, wat gcard u runnin?
Scene..I running a budget card rite now...a low end piece of crap..MSI Geforce 7300le 256 MB ddr2 on a 64bit memory bus..O' man this card is pathetic...Had to play on Crysis at 800 x 600 res, with all graphics set to low...an still in intense sequences the card totally choked..lol..was 5 seconds away from pourin water in my system out of frustration... Even then..i still njoyed that game...Its bad for days..altho i beat it already, i'm leavin it on my hard-drive..so when i upgrade i can replay with graphics set to high or very high at a decent res....Upgrading to a Nvidia 9800gt in two weeks..(sweeeet). Buyin it online tho...Its way overpriced in trinidad...So how bout you...what you runnin? :icon_cool:
rite now i runnin a 9600 on my laptop, that runnin games normal. my desktop have 2 8800 in it. i cool for the time. the 9800 is cool, where are u buyin from. the newegg? hmm... lol if u livin on the north i could buy it for u and send it down cuz i kno some1 comin down tt next week. lol. u writin in red u stealer person
brbk4498 said:
rite now i runnin a 9600 on my laptop, that runnin games normal. my desktop have 2 8800 in it. i cool for the time. the 9800 is cool, where are u buyin from. the newegg? hmm... lol if u livin on the north i could buy it for u and send it down cuz i kno some1 comin down tt next week. lol. u writin in red u stealer person
Red makes it stand out..easier to read too...I buyin online at newegg..they have the bes prices i see so far..and plus they're just about the only online retailer i trust rite now....so thats my plan...well it seems you have everythin good for the hr...9600 on a laptop..2 8800 in sli config..cool...rock on my brudda...lol..
brbk4498 So you can buy and send some stuff for me i will pay for you it you could be like my skybox