$26 Million For Hurricane Countries


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Do you agree with Trinidad & Tobago giving $26 Million to Hurricane stricken countries in the Caribbean?
I mean we have so much of things to inprove in T&T why are they giving away the money just so see about us first them other people

WHats your say on this
wayy 26mil. well its for a good cause, but seriously tt could use the money for a good cause. lol
ITs for a good cause yes but every time so why do T&T have to show off every time so and come to the rescue
we have BIGGER issues that the Government is ignoring but yet we send money to other countries? Health, crime, Education, all these are issues the country should be investing in.
Someone said to me that the government is giving this money away to other countires because when a hurricane do hamper us we would get help!!! Don't know how true that is....
My views however is yes its good to help other countries but how about sharing that bomb money with our own country....
I really feel its ridiculous of the prime minister giving always that money why can't he lone it to them,
He have given always money on numerous of occasions like over 5 times and in millions. Can't these countries support themselves. The prime minister feels its him money he does not know its the country's money.
Whats so wasteful about giving money to help an immediate need? Hundreds of people in haiti are dying because they got hit by three hurricanes. We haven't even had one in years. It's not like the government is just giving away money these people have real needs. Its not only trini people who know how to suffer, right now people are living on thier roofs to escape the flood waters, hurricanes have destroyed or affected 80 percent of the houses in turks and caicos. Without immediate help people will die- thats why they call these things disasters. Money is the easiest thing to convert into fresh food water and medical supplies, it might look alot but these things really need hundreds of millions of dollars to work effectively. People can only do so much to help themselves, sooner or later they will need help and its only human to want to help. We have to get over the notion that only we have problems. Check in india 9 million people were flooded out of thier homes and thats who survived, we dont even have that much people in trinidad, but when when rain flood our house out we complian, its not like our people are drowning and cant help themselves. I think its rather selfish to assume only we have good things happen to us.
Do a google search see what hurricanes really do to people, not just countries, people suffer when stuff like this happens.
Yes but these are hurricane prone islands they must fend for them selves at some time its not like very time some one could help them. I get what your saying at but i feel need that money more than they, We have the worst roads, bad hospital conditions, crime rates high, food rates high we need that money for those things. Not every time we could just give away money like that anytime they do that our economy goes down
Admin thats like manning saying those stuck in poverty should fend for themselves. No one asks for crap to happen- so if manning applies your logic he'd be right. He has a paycheck and security and people like me dont... but its ok i should fend for myself. As long as he has what he wants its ok. I could be dying right infront the new house but he'd be well within his right to ignore me, he cant get out of his way to deal with it because it inconvienances him and those he cares about. Doesnt that sound a little wrong? We cant think like that and realistically expect manning to think differently, if he wont help "those people" why would he even bother with us we have nothing but needs too.
I think the fact that this hurricane issue bothers him shows that there is still something there, of course if we demonise him we shouldn't really expect him to change into this saint. People can struggle all they want but sometimes they need help. In Trinidad we dont have it that bad and we're not even trying to help ourselves, we keep expecting manning to spoonfeed us.
You know why can't we supply food items and clothing the material stuff instead of just giving them the money, its not like it will help them right away. Remember if you just give them the money they will still have to buy the stuff like food and so on that will take some time, why not use the material stuff from T&T and give them it will be direct aid. To me this is just a show off matter. You can't give them all that money they will not have direct use for it supply them will 26 million dollars worth of food water so on.
It's like i said money is easier to convert to whatever is needed. These places are fairly far away it. not like grenada we could've shipped directly to them quickly enough. We dont have the resources like the US does to be able to help burma within 24 hours (burma's government didn't even ask for help it took a while for them to accept aid but people were dying) . Money is more efficent to send and covert into exactly what they need at the point in time.
It may be a big show, even though it expensive but those recieving it really are in need of it. They really do appreciate it and it really does help. Here people in Trinidad would get raises and spend it on sinks like expensive entertainment, alcohol and fetting before they consider investing it or stablising thier finances or even fixing thier houses.
Yes but i still don't support the idea sending out millions i mean 2 million 3 million yea but not 26 million dude its 26 million you know
yeah but if four athletes can get 4 mil what can millions of people get? If we really belive we have so much money and we so rich and all that money like that is small change. but if giving money like like that damaging our economy we in deep sh** cuz there'd be nothing we can do to help our current situation and its us who need aid.
I will come to that too thats ridiculous too, i mean we already pay them for the Olympics, Why pay them for excellence were they not expected and was normally suppose to go for excellence
yeah people sayin they haven't been running long enough to get that kind of reward. I understand that, it supposed to symbolise long service but they still have alot they could accomplish. A man even sayin they should get house lol. I think they does get alot of money by just doing what they already have. Thats thier career lol. People think the only money sports people does get is from the government lol. I have no problem rewarding them but if we start thinkin of it as paying them then it different. Well at least they sayin thats not what they doing it for, that good. As long as the doing it for pride and de country it wont hurt.
A good thing is as much as people do stuff for the country they dont wait for the government to recognise them they work regardless. More people should be like that. I should be like that i doubt they go walk up to me a tell me to start being succesful lol.
Thats real money and yes i know that they made us happy but if thats the kind of money them have....they have been lying to us lol