2013 Divali Nagar Fail !


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Divali Nagar long ago used to be about Hinduism and Divali awareness...It's main focus was to celebrate and educate the public about divali & Indian traditions.. Its where Traditional Indian clothes, accessories, furniture etc. were sold and delicacies were made and handed out then would usually end in fireworks.

Then to now the divali nagar is about commercialism and advertising about THINGS THAT DONT PERTAIN TO DIVALI..Its all about making money ! This year there were so much insurance booths , fishing booths , normal casual clothes stores, flowers places etc. The whole theme is lost and every year the decorations are getting cheaper and poorly done!

Apart from stores and money ever see how the public carry about themselves at the nagar?? Women are now wearing short skirts/dresses/tops, boots etc with their bodies on display! People were found with meat and alcohol on the premises.. I guess everything now is money and once profit is being made no one takes into consideration cultural segregation and cultural erasure! Its a SHAME! :Throw: