2 weeks notice to remove your tints


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The police is giving the local population 2 weeks to remove all illegal tint and "illegal headlights" you know the blue lights thing and the strobe lights. Wonder how much people will do this
some ppl does over do the dam ting man..some of the tint ppl have on is ILLEGAL. Its there in the regulations..If half of dem had actually do their regs instead of buyin their license they would kno that! How yuh cud xplain you sittin in a car in hot blazing midday sun and inside looking like is 12 am in de night??? fuss de tint dark! lol
I think they have one more week again to remove it..... Its so dumb that we have to pay for the criminals .... We can't have the luxuary we want for our own cars....
See its not only that resha remember is these same criminals having real dark tints in their cars and stroking and kidnapping people, they don't want to be seen so the dark tints protect them
well they already started removing the tinits in the area of POS... They were spotted on Abercrombry Streeet and car owers have to remove there dark tints....
some tints r cool tho lik d 1s dats silver den fade 2 clear 2 bad ppl waste dey money on it 2 hav it removed now :(
Now the police them on the highway, stopping car with there illegal tint, causing traffic,...I also hear that some of the people who they stopping have the legal tint but they still telling them it wrong....
Well them stop my dad today with his Navara and told him that it illegal well my daddy told them how it came from the company just so and it past through inspection with blue lights and the legal tint and well them tell him that they could see thru it and to go...
Lucky him K..... Even the police are not carrying out the right proceedure...If they see people they know, they would let them go... Its so unfair to others...
I think this execise has stopped.... so its safe to go back on the road!!!!!
Nope only after the summit it will stop, i don't know why the government has to wait for the summit to do these things hmmm
May be to catch as much criminals as possible so they would not embarass the country during the summit and when the summit finishes they would be release....

Well today will ahve another dry run in the Piarco area... traffic...
Yes when we were up on our way to lopinot they had that and strip searches.....

Well the story is we sold our car which we used to go in car show with which had heavy tint, graphics,loud music, blue lights, LED lights and neons under the car and the next day for the search the man who bought it was ambushed by the police and was forced to remove everything lol lucky us it saved us some bills
Yuh know the innocent people who knows that there will be road blocks this few weeks shoulda know not to venture into the lights of the police....
Are they still stopping motorist to remove their tints, this should be continued but again its only for the summit hmmm
They no where around the highway.... I think they would be occupied for the summit... doing more important jobs... :Throw:
well this drive should be done all year thou , people drive in d compund an u cant see who in d darn car, ah hate this they just showoff and feel rich an important but for safety and security people need to think about that coz ur child, daughter,friend could be in a vehicle as a storaway or hurt :hiya:
So because of the summit they started this project and after they finish with it what kinda crap is this, this was a good thing the police was doing why they stop so don't we in T&T need security or maybe The prime minister only feels that his guest needs protection