2 Slain In Beetham Gardens Drive-by


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Two men died following a drive-by shooting in the Beetham Gardens on Monday night, an incident police believe was linked to the murder of reputed gang leader Kevon “Fish” Joseph who was murdered in Gonzales hours before.

One of the men killed in the drive-by, Abraham Quamina, was Joseph’s nephew and it is believed he was targeted as a result of this blood relation. The other man, Alvin Gyan, 37, was on his way home from work. Both men were shot in the back of their heads and died at the Port-of-Spain General Hospital.

A third man, Derrick Huggins, was shot and wounded but he is currently warded at hospital in a serious condition.

According to a police report, at about 10.15 pm a car pulled up near a bar and its occupants opened fire before escaping in the vehicle.

However, Quamina’s relatives believe it was an unfortunate case of him being “at the wrong place, at the wrong time.”

Quamina’s mother was inconsolable at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday and had to be assisted to a waiting car. She kept asking relatives why her innocent son had to be killed like that.

A relative explained to the T&T Guardian that life seemed unfair for Quamina. Two years ago Quamina was on his way home to Carlsen Field when he was kidnapped and robbed. This year he also spent four months in hospital after one of his lungs collapsed.

“Now he was killed. One shot to the back of the head,” the relative said, pointing out that Quamina had gone to the Beetham to drop a female friend off when the incident occurred.

Another relative told the T&T Guardian that Quamina was an intelligent individual who pursued mechanical engineering at the MIC at O’Meara. He was also a mentor with a non-governmental organisation providing assistance to other students.

Earlier in the day, Joseph was in the backseat of a car travelling along Belmont Circular Road when he and the driver were ambushed by two gunmen who began shooting at the car. The driver turned into Hermitage Road, got out of the Toyota Corolla and left Joseph, who was wounded. Eyewitnesses told police the gunmen walked closer to the vehicle and shot Joseph several times at close range.

But Joseph’s sister told the T&T Guardian her brother was not a gang leader. Rather, she described him as someone who loved life.

A relative explained that Joseph was arrested last week for possession of a marijuana joint and was granted station bail on Saturday. The relative said he was going home from the Port-of-Spain Magistrates’ Court where he had his case when he was killed. Relatives said the driver was unknown to them but believed Joseph hired him for transport.

Gyan’s brother, Simon, said Gyan worked at a mechanic shop in Petit Bourg and was on his way home when he was hit by a stray bullet.

“He was walking home and that was the time he usually comes home. He has been living in the Beetham for the past 25 years. He was just killed innocently.”

The Beetham double murder took the murder toll to 244 for the year so far.

Investigations are continuing.

Man held with fake US in sting

A 24-year-old man was yesterday held for having US$1,700 in counterfeit bills in his possession during a sting operation at the Grand Bazaar’s food court.

According to a police report, at about 12.30 pm a team of plainclothes police tracked the man to the food court where they arrested him. The man is from Caparo and was up to last night assisting officers in their investigations.

The team of officers consisted of officers from the St Joseph CID and Crime Patrol Unit.

Investigations are continuing.