18Yr Old Brutally Murdered


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Jun 9, 2008
The body of 18yr old Nikita Ramischand was found at the back of her family's guest house on their compound brutally stabbed and gasping to hold on to her life on Wednesday night.

Nikita, student of SBCS late last yr allegedly befriended a Guyanese national who was hired to work on their family home In Maracas, St Joseph and continued a telephone relationship with the man of 25yrs old .

It was until he received notice that he was being deported, proposed to Nikita who turned him down . This allegedly made him angry and started to threaten her and her family and also reported to have jumped their high fenced razor walls several times to threaten her.

She eventually moved on and recently had a relationship with another individual and according to the family the suspect would pass buy or threaten her .

This led the motive of the man to jump the walls , wait on nikita to pass by and confront her brutally killing her , with what is suspected to be a kitchen knife that was not found at the scene.

Nikita was supposed to meet a client at her mother's salon next door to the family's home or 7pm but when they recognized she was late , the family together with the clients began looking for her and thats when her ringing cell phone led them to the brutal horrific scene of her parent's witnessing her last moments .

The suspect reportedly called her parents stating he was innocent but was later found out to have fled the county residing in a lower income area near the Demerara river .

I really do hope justice is served. A bright , young girl now experiencing the world should not have to die so brutal when her life have just now begun . Its so sad R..I.P To Nikita !
Really Sad News Indeed... Just Because She Didnt Wanna Marry De Guyanese... May She R.I.P... :icon_sad:
Yesterday the funeral of nikita was held at the family's home ... here's the video of it
this made me cry seeing these videos. i really hope they hang the man or burn him alive and i would gladly laugh at him while it happens
It is a very disturbing story. I hope the person who murdered the girl gets punishment. It is simply not acceptable to murder someone like that.
I really feel bad for Nikita and her family. A girl like Nikita did not deserve to die like that. I hope the criminal will get the punishment he/she deserves.