15 Easy Ways You Can Make a Difference This Earth Day


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Though scientists continue searching for life on other planets, we still inhabit our dear old planet Earth and will continue to for generations to come. While many corporations are becoming more eco-conscious and adding green initiatives wherever possible, there's still a lot more that needs to be done. Luckily, there's a lot one person can do to positively impact the environment.


How Can You Help? (Yes, YOU!)

1. Dispose of your litter properly. If there are no trash cans in sight, keep your litter in a bag or pocket until you get to a trash can. By picking up one plastic bag for example, you reduce the chances of stray or wild animals trying to eat it while foraging for food and choking on it.

2. Going hand in hand with #1, this is a tip an old teacher of mine passed down to all of her students. Always keep a bag and/or napkin in your pocket. When you see trash in the middle of the street or in a park, pick it up and hold it in your napkin/bag until you get to a trash can to dispose of it. This is something you can do every day to help make the world a cleaner (and safer) place. Not only for animals, but also for small children.

3. Re-use what you can. Take your own bags with you to the grocery, market, or general shopping trips to cut down on the amount of plastic bags that get thrown out. (Remember plastic is not bio-degradable so decades later animals can still find it and choke on it) Canvas totes now come in stylish designs for the self-conscious. If you don't need a bag for a small purchase, let the vendor or cashier know and they'll be glad to avoid the extra hassle too. Even for big purchases, some stores simply slap a "PAID" sticker on your item(s) and the bag is unnecessary.

4. Upcycle. Too many old T-shirts lying around? Turn them into aprons, head wraps, re-usable gift wraps, pillow cases, totes, other types of clothing, hamper liners, or cleaning cloths. With the endless resources we have online, there's bound to be another use for just about any item.

5. Donate. Instead of throwing out clothing and other items, look through them and donate what you can. Many seamstresses accept fabric for use as scraps for other projects, and shelters and related homes always have room for items that can assist those in need. Ask around in your area and you may find families or individuals that can use those items closer to you than you think.

6. Buy what you need, not just what you want. Cut down on the clutter you have in your home (donating, re-using, and upcycling what you can!) and make use of the items you truly need. Items that are seldom used can be borrowed or rented when necessary and other items may prove to be just as efficient when purchased used.

7. Walk, bike, or carpool whenever possible to cut down on gas and carbon emissions. When driving, ensure your tires are at the correct pressure and avoid idling for too long. Try doing as many errands as you can in one trip to save on gas as well.

8. Wash full loads of clothing in cold water and air dry/line dry to cut down on electricity costs.

9. Repair leaking faucets and use only as much water as is needed; avoid wasting water.

10. Support local farmers and businesses by buying organic local foods in season, and local products when possible.

11. Choose natural non-toxic products and make your own cleaning products with harmless ingredients such as baking soda, water, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and lime juice.

12. Carry your own water bottle with you while you're out and refill at water fountains or coolers. Stainless steel and polycarbonate drinking bottles are both non-toxic and quite durable. This not only protects the environment from further plastic waste, but saves you money, too!

13. Plant a tree every Earth Day. No space for a tree? No problem! Grow smaller plants in clay pots and small herb gardens. Opt for organic planting if possible, and avoid using harmful herbicides by pulling weeds out the old fashioned way: elbow grease ftw!

14. Join a clean-up group or start your own. Making a conscious effort as a group can often be easier than on your own. If you aren't aware of any beach or park clean-up events, start your own! I recently saw a group that cleaned up a neglected recreational park, re-painted many benches, and fixed the barely functioning swings, ending the day with a celebratory picnic.

15. Change your lights to compact fluorescent light bulbs to get more light from less energy and a kinder light bill!
