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  1. G

    The PNM and UNC Logic!

    the worse thing Trinidad and Tobago has ever done was become an independent nation! Every country ever governed by descendants of negro & east Indian has never prospered into a first world nation. A classic example is the African Continent & India, Trinidad is just a smaller version of them in...
  2. G

    Trinimotors Bikers Introductions

    that bike was a reliable bike.... I honestly regretted selling it.
  3. G

    Trinimotors Bikers Introductions

    The Dude, your bike.......was my bike before Amir bought it from me and sold it to you.... that what she use to look like before Amir bought it.
  4. G

    Say Hi and Introduce Yourself

    Hey People, Just wanted to say hi.... I'm into motorbikes and hope to meet like wise ppl... ((((((gixxer man out))))))