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  1. RauCous

    I'm afraid for my country...

    I don't want it to turn like what happening in England... :icon_sad:
  2. RauCous

    Rebecca Black- Friday!

    I bet you know this song... if you don't you're late lolz CD2LRROpph0 so is it really as bad as some people say? :rolleyes: She doesn't care, this made her famous and probably a quite richer.
  3. RauCous

    Huge 8.9 earthquake in Japan. and Tsunami

    After the huge earthquake in Japan these countries are under tsunami warning. New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. Waves expected over the next few hours, . Coastal South american countries like Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua...
  4. RauCous

    Police Sickout...

    Is this a good time for this? What is the Government's response? Do police really care about their jobs? O.o From Trinidad Express It's true, I even found this article when looking for the vigilante reports! People are starting to take matters into their own hands, and as much as it is...
  5. RauCous

    ICC World Cup 2011

    Will start ... in three days :Yea:
  6. RauCous


    Taken from today's Newsday:,134083.html INSANITY BY RHONDOR DOWLAT Saturday, January 15 2011 IN WHAT can only be described as a moment of insanity, a private-hire “PH” taxi driver, who worked the Port-of-Spain to Chaguanas...
  7. RauCous

    Caribbean t20 cricket, TnT too.

    You can watch it live on the ESPN 3 website! yay. The matches start at 4pm and at 8pm tt time. So far the most exciting /close match was Guyana somerset, which Guyana only won by 1 run... it was insane. The teams are: Hampshire, Leeward Islands, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad &...
  8. RauCous

    New Netbook...! :D

    I have one... kinda late with it... to much people in Costaatt have one but... Well it came out for a year and a half now and it have plenty better but, they selling cheap . HP Mini 1101 Bmobile selling them for $1600- $1700 , compare that to an Xperia, it ain't that bad a price for a...
  9. RauCous

    Eclipse tonight! dec 20 2010

    From 3:10 am to after 4:00 am :clap: From
  10. RauCous

    Fazeer Gone to TV6! :D

    After he got fired for standing up for his religious beliefs in First Up on cnmg, has gotten a new Job in rival tv station tv 6! lol Too bad for cnmg Fazeer was a good journalist and this firing will always reek of some kind of discrimination. Sure if he said Patrick should not be in a...
  11. RauCous

    ... Phishing?

    Check what kind of information this company asks for , for a bill review I don't care if they're legit or not i'm never putting that info out there.
  12. RauCous

    Man killed because he killed stray pit bull

    Man killed after killing pit bull CAMILLE CLARKE Published: 18 Nov 2010 Desmond Marshall THe man did the right thing and killed a dangerous animal IN SELF DEFENSE and this is how they repay him. :( No respect for the human life at all..
  13. RauCous

    Kamla in hot water

    Talking about monetizing humanitarian aid lol woops! Kamla heavily criticised for relief aid comments By Aabida Allaham Story Created: Nov 4, 2010 at 11:32 PM ECT Story Updated: Nov 4, 2010 at 11:32 PM ECT People in Trinidad so stingy and lack empathy, same time they turn around and want...
  14. RauCous

    Taxi drivers =/= Pedophiles!

    I mean not all of them are interfering with the girls lol. This is how the make money, the drivers that is, if nobody like you or your maxi that mean you make less money. Not all girls who wait for special maxis are doing it because of any sexual relation to the driver, but the driver doesn't...
  15. RauCous

    ABU BAKR.... in JAIL?

    Seriously i hope this is not no pin on charge just to get the man in jail lol BAKR BACK IN JAIL Charged with murder
  16. RauCous

    First woman Chief Magistrate in TT

    From online newsday. First woman Chief Magistrate takes up duties Monday First woman Chief Magistrate takes up duties Monday Saturday, September 18 2010 (not to be confused with the chief justice :D )
  17. RauCous

    FIFA Womens Under 17 2010

    I have to start with Germany Who kableweid 9 unanswered goals into mexico's net! seriously, Germany is on fire yo! TnT played Chile and though Chile had better possession (64%) and better overall control we managed to score 2 goals to their epic free kick from outside the 18 yard box, our...
  18. RauCous

    Stress Line for teens and young adults

    This weekend I got this message in b mobile : LINK Members: EXPRESS YOUR STRESS -THE NATIONAL STUDENT HOTLINE - CALL 131 OR 800-4321. FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL- 24/7. WE HEAR, WE CARE, CHILD LINE. A couple of years ago one of there representatives visited a library i go to and told us about...
  19. RauCous

    Linux MultiMedia Studio

    It's been a looong while sine i've posted free software so here goes, LMMS aka Linux MultiMedia Studio is a free (open source?) music sequencer that anyone can use. truly anyone, you don't even need to be able to read music, all the musical qualities of the project are graphically portrayed...
  20. RauCous

    33 miners trapped inside a mine in Chile

    Ya'll see the news where 33 miners were trapped in Chile? :icon_neutral: All of them are alive but wait till you see how long it will take to get them out! Video: m5s9ugeAoDY The 33 miners trapped inside a coal and copper mine in Chile were found after alive after more than two weeks. As...