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  1. RauCous

    Monday 24 May election day in Trinidad and Tobago

    What happen with so many people not voting. That was surprising to me i thought people would've been more motivated under the new administration.
  2. RauCous

    Doubles quality so poor

    Yeah i suddenly realise it have plenty more doubles people in St James and near costaatt too, i only want good quality, but it have too many cropping up everywhere how will we tell who is genuine. I see enough of them displaying food badges though, that's good. Surprisingly those that do more...
  3. RauCous

    T&T Barracks

    Hmmm and this is supposed to be the healthy alternative to life o the streets huh, it's like some people say sometimes the only difference is the badge.
  4. RauCous


    if you have seen it it's AWESOME! so don't spoil it cuz i haven't seen it yet!
  5. RauCous

    Local Elections

    Yeah they win in my area too! I want stuff now! lol.
  6. RauCous

    33 murders in 20 days

    Ironic that up by me there was this big police and army road block a couple weeks ago and soon after there were two murders..., the criminals just as resourceful as the authorities and the normal citizens just not willing to stick thier neck outs to prevent crime anymore.. :(
  7. RauCous

    Flea Markets Debate?

    lol Trinidad is the land of opportunity now? I didn't know this was so widespread, but it is indeed true that it needs to be regulated, the country needs to retain wealth. Things like this makes revenue leave our country. We should gain from it, or at least not lose capital.
  8. RauCous


    Why are we focusing on the pain it causes, what about it's effectiveness as a deterrent?
  9. RauCous

    UFO Flying Over China July 9 2010!!! ... -no/60044/
  10. RauCous

    UFO Flying Over China July 9 2010!!!

    Cool, ufo yes... alien noooo. :clap: that was awesome, it look like smoke or vapor trails.
  11. RauCous

    Predators, moive

    It's been a long time since real predators showed up lol looks good enough. 9u8vZwvP57Y
  12. RauCous

    left or right handed

    I use right hand scissors with my left hand, it feels more awkward with my right hand lol.
  13. RauCous

    Turtle Dancing Techno!

    any body ever see a turtle wine? :icon_biggrin: Check out the video lol it dancing IeeUotCnLus
  14. RauCous

    Rape In T&T

    What is the legislation on that rapex thing you told us about is it legal here?
  15. RauCous


    I regret not staying in touch with any of my friends.
  16. RauCous

    Dengue again?

    Everyone better watch out, by me it have mosquitoes and nothing killing them out, more only coming. we have one ah the zapper things too, :evil: You see in the news a 14 year old boy died of suspected dengue, and it have plenty cases. :| It's dengue season now :s
  17. RauCous

    Weird Dreams

    Hmmm psychic? I haven't dreamt lately. sad. I wish i could sometimes i have cool dreams.
  18. RauCous


    Hey man your team won! that was one loongggg game! i was afraid of it going to penalties but spain got the goal! :Yea: hard luck holland to lose the only match worth winnig... :| But yeeaah for spain!!!
  19. RauCous

    FIFA UNDER 17 WOMENS WORLD CUP in TNT Sept 5to 25th 2010

    This will be awesome. In Trinidad and Tobago! Home.. yeah we should do well..
  20. RauCous

    bolt ; a new browser for your phone

    I wonder how this is now. If it could rival opera mini.