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  1. RauCous

    Russia, Qatar get World Cups in 2018 and 2022

    Haha them on bacchanal, really full of it too, i remember they said that the special report could "hurt chances" of selection looks like it completely killed off chances :lmfao:
  2. RauCous

    Russia, Qatar get World Cups in 2018 and 2022

    Yes USA and England were both angry lol
  3. RauCous

    Flashing laser lights pose danger to aircraft

    look the news stories ... 6080.story ... m=7&y=2008 and here's an article showing what it looks like ... nation.htm definitely not child's play, this is serious maliciousness.
  4. RauCous

    Flashing laser lights pose danger to aircraft

    Anyone all dangerous. People are so stupid, they saw this in international news and want to try it out, didn't they see the man got charged and imprisoned for this kinda mess?
  5. RauCous

    TSTT Wiretapping

    True but this administration foul up by trying to make this a manning issue, the man politically buried already and this SIS business have more to do with national security than giving him bad name, the kinda shoot themselves in the foot there. Now SIA cant help in investigation or nothing , and...
  6. RauCous

    Penality For Laptop Stealing

    Haha Shouldn't be laughing but this funny. I sure this is probably the first thing they think when they hear about the laptop initiative, to thief one :nono:
  7. RauCous

    Fazeer Gone to TV6! :D

    After he got fired for standing up for his religious beliefs in First Up on cnmg, has gotten a new Job in rival tv station tv 6! lol Too bad for cnmg Fazeer was a good journalist and this firing will always reek of some kind of discrimination. Sure if he said Patrick should not be in a...
  8. RauCous

    Bmobile Internet

    Is it not the same $150 a month service?
  9. RauCous

    ... Phishing?

    Check what kind of information this company asks for , for a bill review I don't care if they're legit or not i'm never putting that info out there.
  10. RauCous

    TSTT Wiretapping

    Now all the criminals will change their phones and go about their business :s
  11. RauCous

    TSTT Wiretapping

    haha Rachel Price? Really?
  12. RauCous

    2000 Fetuses Found

    Something like this happened in Trinidad too... but :icon_eek: :Throw: not that many!! WTF!!!
  13. RauCous


    Thanks! :Yea: Getting old lol..
  14. RauCous

    Man killed because he killed stray pit bull

    Man killed after killing pit bull CAMILLE CLARKE Published: 18 Nov 2010 Desmond Marshall THe man did the right thing and killed a dangerous animal IN SELF DEFENSE and this is how they repay him. :( No respect for the human life at all..
  15. RauCous

    Cant seem to fall asleep

    I haven't gone to sleep at a reasonable time in months. and is only when I need to go out early i stay up extra late lol.
  16. RauCous

    Christmas Song Thread!!!

    I'll look for the hippopotamus one it funny.
  17. RauCous

    Cholera Breakout In Haiti

    Haiti just depressing , we thought the earthquake was the worst :S Looks like all the humanitarian organisation have to stay in Haiti for years :/
  18. RauCous

    TSTT Wiretapping

    This is serious business, spys in Trinidad yes. my father said manning should've wiretapped himself so he look like a victim too lol!
  19. RauCous


    LOLOL THat pic real dread! :lmfao: Thanks miss Katrina