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I have one... kinda late with it... to much people in Costaatt have one but...
Well it came out for a year and a half now and it have plenty better but, they selling cheap .
HP Mini 1101
Bmobile selling them for $1600- $1700 , compare that to an Xperia, it ain't that bad a price for a...
I was walking home with my parentas and I heard it pass, like a wave but i thought i was hearing things. Only the day after people start asking if we feel it.
like some kinda hollywood movie! that's messed up!
I remember in St James somone drive off and busrt the gas hose! :Blink: it was mad lol. see people fraid to pass near the station with all the gas pouring out, :rolleyes: they shut it down from the inside, some safety vale or sometihing.
Haha with the Americans i thought it would be the other way around, were we living there illegally, it have alot of people with foreign accents complaining on the local news these days :nono: hmmm..
I think they've changed alot from their beginning, but they're on the right path, touring is the only way to makw money and get famous, no one buys your CD's if you don't get out there.
If you think that is all then you're wrong, the worship Baphomet and do and singles and wear symbols on there clothing it's so obvious that it ridiculous people don't see it for what it is.
If you watch the videos and lyrics you will see alot of occult symbolism, this is not fantasy, they're...
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