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  1. RauCous

    Benny Hinn coming to Trinidad and Tobago!!!

    This fraud again? I doh fraid he, is the people who going to see him that scare me!
  2. RauCous

    So i have this old laptop...

    Turn it into a linux machine... You could go in the ads section of this forum. Just put the description in this thread and move it there.
  3. RauCous


    I agree, this is just thing for them to make picong.
  4. RauCous

    Carnival Season

    I like the "iza Trini " Song Wine to the side meh. Macheal new song too technoy, repetitive but not catchy i think. Who else it have?
  5. RauCous

    2011 crime stats

    When you declare war on crime, Crime declares war on you :(
  6. RauCous

    Saucy Pow Dead?

    Saucy pow is kicks yes! :lmfao:
  7. RauCous

    Happy Birthday Tiger 15

    I does confuz him with crazyfuzz lol But Happy Bday man!
  8. RauCous

    Caribbean t20 cricket, TnT too.

    And if NSW wins in Australia today they might qualify too Who say rematch? lol. Two of our bowlers are being reviews for their bowling actions, It's most likely the angle of their arms. Simmons is awesome i would have expected to put in in WI team before Barath but Barath did well yesterday...
  9. RauCous


    Yeah, They came to my house already, i don't think many of the questions are personal, but some you wonder if they are relevant. lol But this information can only help us , the stats on our country like population or how many people are working and anything that can help the government and other...
  10. RauCous

    Happy Birthday Resha

    Happy haapy happy birthday to you! :Yea: All Gods blessing for the new year Resha.
  11. RauCous

    Caribbean t20 cricket, TnT too.

    Matches resume today watch them live on espn 3 here:
  12. RauCous


    Yeah he definitley pre-meditated it! :Throw:
  13. RauCous


    Yeah it's from a different system, not the western one lol I don't believe in horoscopes but it was really strange and funny when i first heard it.
  14. RauCous


    Taken from today's Newsday:,134083.html INSANITY BY RHONDOR DOWLAT Saturday, January 15 2011 IN WHAT can only be described as a moment of insanity, a private-hire “PH” taxi driver, who worked the Port-of-Spain to Chaguanas...
  15. RauCous

    Caribbean t20 cricket, TnT too.

    Last night was insane!!! :Blink:
  16. RauCous

    Caribbean t20 cricket, TnT too.

    You can watch it live on the ESPN 3 website! yay. The matches start at 4pm and at 8pm tt time. So far the most exciting /close match was Guyana somerset, which Guyana only won by 1 run... it was insane. The teams are: Hampshire, Leeward Islands, Canada, Barbados, Trinidad &...
  17. RauCous

    Happy New Yr Trinispicers

    Happy new year! :D
  18. RauCous

    New music video site

    Where are the videos stored? On which Server? BTW I'm listening :p :clap:
  19. RauCous

    New Netbook...! :D

    This one definitely lame! :p but those with 9 cell batteries and Nvidia graphics are pretty good for netbooks... just ridiculously expensive. It's Os specific, Microsoft dictates the amount of Ram that can be sold with net books running XP, the hardware supports up to 2 GB.. This is it here...
  20. RauCous

    I think i speak for pannists everywhere when I say Gypsy sho

    Re: I think i speak for pannists everywhere when I say Gypsy this so disappointing eh? You'd think the man would know what it takes to be involved in carnival... :/, and its actually one of the more constructive parts of the season.. >:|