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Got a lame tv phone instead :D it's cool though i just need a memory card and i'm set., apparently it have a Sony Ericsson shortage, all the mid range ones are rare..
I glad now people don't watch me funny when I buckle up! :D
I seeing drivers put up signs encouraging people to buckle up, unfortunately the driver is the one who have to pay sometimes, even though it's the passenger fault... It so inconsistent,.
Hmmm people just sad yes, just because people breaking the law they somehow think it's fair to do the same, why cant they see how illegal it is and stop making themselves victims.
I know it old now but thats real mess to hear and see on the news people looting from a udecott project an noone there to arrest anybody... :non:
After all the fuss made no one securing the site.. Buncha talkers... stueps..
You woulda swear a month ago this would've been in the courts by now.
Wha de Faw....k What kinda retarded parent would allow that?
I dunno what else i could say bout that yes... :Throw:
shouldn't she be in jail or something?
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