/ is a forum platform for Trinbagonians to connect, discuss topics, share information, and engage in Trinidad & Tobago. Join us today and engage in meaningful conversations!
The HTC Advantage X7510 look rel decent. Wat about the iphone? has full size web browser. really cool. right now i lovin my 16GB iPod Touch. Online radio and youtube. And i can access all the music on my comp on the ipod thru a program called simplyfy media. 19GB of music streamed straight on my...
Dude sounds lik u hav rel issues wif the gov't. Write dem a strongly worded letter :icon_mrgreen:
Today i was elected Marketing Director of the forum . Spent most of the day on trinispice and the rest of d day i eat , listen music and chat on msn until boredom take over.
really daz so kewl. dude no tv6? wtf damn i was watchin dem local station on d site an dey showin nuthn gud. cable all d way for me yes :icon_cheesygrin: local tv sucks really bad actually. i dunno if tv6 does show anythn gud cuz i only watch cable stations. but still i dont watch tv so much...
Re: making a lime cooking conkse
now u kno if u goin harry's u hada tek d rest of trinispice :icon_cheesygrin: ive never been to harrys water park actually. hmm admin u know how long i aint eat conch. i talkin lik 10 years back or maybe more
gospel too? wow there are sum things in dis world dat is best kept a secret from the outside world. imagine if all the devil worshiping cults suddenly arrised to the public world. now dats sum freaky crap there
lol for real fuss time i ever drink so much.. it was gud though. too bad i stop drinkin. i overdo it a time after dat. and wel it ruin d whole drinkin thing for me
Re: Daily Comics (more added on July 19th)
actually the guy tel him to listen to his heart. so he listened to his heart and it told him beat he beat she lol
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