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  1. aaronb27

    Stupid Windows Commercial

    Im ah PC! and i post on trinispice. lol The one where bill gates adjusted his shorts was jus funny
  2. aaronb27

    What resolution is your monitor?

    i usin a dell 19" lcd at 1280x1024.
  3. aaronb27

    Post pictures of your pets

    lol yeah fur real eh. all he need is a black & white stripe jersey an he go look lik he escapin from jail :icon_cheesygrin:
  4. aaronb27


    jus so u ppl kno, i dont cut, never did. i jus said emo girls r hott cuz i lik the way dey dress an stuff. i dont lik the cuttin part, daz jus not normal. ppl who cut usually hav sum kinda stress in their life. an wen dat stress gets too much to handle dey find ways of takin it out on demselves...
  5. aaronb27

    Trinispice & Trinismack First Contest

    is bes u offer some other prize cuz most ppl dont kno or hav the time to maintain a website.
  6. aaronb27

    Post pictures of your pets

    My pet Kookie :) I call him Kookie. I cudn't help myself. R.I.P Kookie. This is my moms parrot. He's all smiley in dis pic :) Look how he does sneak out of d cage quietly. I ketch him on camera. and watch how far he put he bowl. :icon_cheesygrin:
  7. aaronb27

    Vista GUI on XP!

    anyone tried the xp windows 7 edition as yet?
  8. aaronb27

    Vagrant Funny Videos In TRINIDAD

    haha lolz fur real dem aint easy. it hav plenty of dem crazy ones in Port of Spain
  9. aaronb27


    i agree, emo girls r hott.
  10. aaronb27

    Anyone here uses trinispice radio?

    i used it once. i more listen to international radio since there is only lik 1 local rock station
  11. aaronb27

    One Word Cypher

  12. aaronb27

    New Website link Naruto Shipuuden

    when is it dat new shippuden episodes come out? once every week?
  13. aaronb27

    Windows Downloads

    yeah i thought so
  14. aaronb27


    wayyyyy i miss all ah dat.
  15. aaronb27

    What Does Your Desktop Look Like?

    the animated wallpapers on vista ultimate. and it lets u put ur own videos as wallpaper. the aurora thing is a screensaver.
  16. aaronb27

    hey evryone

    did sumone say kookies? :P i want
  17. aaronb27

    One Word Cypher

    key yuck-key! get it? huh huh lolz
  18. aaronb27

    How Was Your Day Today?

    aha! i catch the admin double posting..wait karina double posted is there a rule against it? can we punish the admin? lolz
  19. aaronb27


    i had no idea kevin left the forum until now..