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  1. aaronb27

    Week end Activities!

    yes weekend.. i sleepin til 1pm
  2. aaronb27

    What software do you use to keep your pc run smoothly?

    i use Kaspersky Anti-Virus & Avast. dont like to hav all dem registry cleaner programs an stuff installed on my pc.
  3. aaronb27

    Love Guru

    lol how u end up in tobago. neways doe rush things.daz d worst thing to do. den again waitin too long isnt a gud idea either.
  4. aaronb27

    Sony Ericsson k530i

    lol. everybody goin for bluetooth and wifi now.
  5. aaronb27

    $100 = $200 digicel ....yes its possible

    yea dat was with bmobile. but dey used to block ur sim for doin dat.
  6. aaronb27

    Reo Speedwagon, Vertical Horizon, Rick Spring coming down

    lol all ah dat happen. lolz i didnt hear bout da concert til a few days b4. i doe watch tv lol
  7. aaronb27

    One Word Cypher

    lol for real eh. how u get d word nuts from d word salad neway? Squirrel!
  8. aaronb27


    can anyone please explain to me how to play minesweeper? i hav a general idea of how it works but any tips on winning? is it a game based on strategy or jus on luck?
  9. aaronb27

    Love Guru

    lol. speaking of studyin i hada do some of my own. damn customs exam comin up :( so empireking how d relationship goin now? u hada keep we updated. lol
  10. aaronb27

    Reo Speedwagon, Vertical Horizon, Rick Spring coming down

    like everyone still recovering from the concert last nite. to all who went how was it? pics?
  11. aaronb27

    vote 4 meh na

    i voted also
  12. aaronb27

    $100 = $200 digicel ....yes its possible

    lol after reading d first post i thought it was sum kinda magic trick lol. lik d time u had to keep dialin *123 an hold & unhold d call an get free money.
  13. aaronb27


    lol i thought everyone knew how to play dis game.
  14. aaronb27


    kool vid. i kno ppl who read the books an dey say its really good. but i doh hav d time to read so ill jus wait for the movie to come out.