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  1. aaronb27

    Tired of You, A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~

    This is my first ever self-made video so feel free to comment. Took me probly more than 14hours to make it. Its titled 'A Hope For Love' and is inspired by all my close frwens who i luv so much. I tried my best to make this video as best as i can and i think it came out pretty good for a first...
  2. aaronb27

    Trinidadian Couple

    lol..i doe see d point in goin to d bar wen yuh hav everything at home an more..
  3. aaronb27

    Question Of the Day

    i always watch the pictures in the i usually figure things out on my own.
  4. aaronb27

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    *wonders if admin can use his administrating powers to add his own highscores*
  5. aaronb27

    Keep It Up

    haha lol
  6. aaronb27

    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    so wen alyuh guna start givin me competition in d arcade section? ah buss up alyuh highscores rel bad eh :icon_twisted: lol... d arcade geh borin cuz alyuh nuh fightin back to get back d highscores :icon_sad:
  7. aaronb27

    If you had a superpower, what would it be?

    the power to tek everyones else powers, admin one especially lol
  8. aaronb27

    One Word Cypher

  9. aaronb27

    cell phone oem parts

    dude great site. was checkin it out last nite an it hav rel parts an stuff. now i kno where to get cellphone parts
  10. aaronb27

    who have a dual sim w/tv or w/out??

    how u does get cable on da?
  11. aaronb27

    Funny Exam Answers...

    lol unfortunately skool days over for me. im a member of the workin society now :icon_sad: and worst thing is i hav no choice but to work
  12. aaronb27

    Windows Downloads

    how bout a review of the new windows live apps for vista? live messenge, live mail..etc
  13. aaronb27

    best torrent sites

    torrents are so slow. i hear demonoid is the best. duno 4 sure
  14. aaronb27

    Funny Exam Answers...

    haha dem thing rel funny dred. i remember a time i paid $1000 to write an exam and i gave up d paper blank. all i write was my name. damn exam was hard. mechanical engineering is d worst.ahhh! Wish i had ideas lik these, den atleast i cuda write/draw sumthn. lol
  15. aaronb27


    yayyyyyy d movie comin out jus now.