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  1. K

    The Pirate Bay founders arrested?!

    Been using TPB for all my downloading so far without any problems... I usually get 2.5 - 3.2MBps on heavily seeded torrents....
  2. K

    The Pirate Bay founders arrested?!

  3. K

    The Tech Corner

    I know you dont need a installer app but the reason i use EasyInstaller is because it scans both your phone and SD card for unwanted APK's... Just in case you forget them in your phone... Also another great app you must have is Clean Master... :D
  4. K

    The Tech Corner

    Notification Bar Deluxe v10.6.2... Thats the link to the apk file.. When you download it then go to the Playstore and download EasyInstaller... (blue cube-ish box icon)... And it will scan your phone for apk files and allow you to install them....
  5. K

    Official Skybox Thread!

    I should sign up with them also considering the location...
  6. K

    The Tech Corner

    Damn sorry to hear bro... I had a problem recently where my memory card keeps ejecting itself and re-mounting itself at random... It did it so much times the card itself malfunctioned and i had to format it... Hmm... Lost all my daughter's pics etc.. :(
  7. K

    What gets on your nerves?

    Thats definitley thrown at me... Not ashamed to admit that... But when it comes to football... Especially World Cup which comes around every 4 years, I serious! :D
  8. K

    Official Skybox Thread!

    You need credit card to sign up for them services?...
  9. K

    What gets on your nerves?

    This sums up about 3/4 of the businesses in trinidad... Some of which include - KFC... Bmobile.. Digicel... ANY Government office... Lol...
  10. K

    Official Skybox Thread!

    Im new to this... Dont have a credit card... But i got credit, if you know what i mean... Lol... Need some help setting up a skybox service... Some questions... Who is the 'best skybox service' in terms of freight and weight chargers... Who ships faster... Are there any annual fees?... How much...
  11. K

    The Tech Corner

    Dont have a skybox... Hmmm i should start a thread... :idea:
  12. K

    Kevin's Haberdashery!

    Various items currently updated... ... 1821576477 42" LG LED 1080P TV for sale... $5400 with 1 year warranty!
  13. K

    The Tech Corner

    Lol... I wanna water cool it though... But have no experience or idea what to do there... Im using a Cooler Master Hyper 212 currently... Was looking for a Thermaltake SpinQ but that rel hard to find... [hsimg:3lilq5og][/hsimg:3lilq5og]
  14. K

    Foreign Used Prices To Raise

    They should lower their prices... With the amount of scams going around this little country... I watching Ian what day it was and if you see how much people got scammed... They paid their money and never heard from the person again....
  15. K

    What gets on your nerves?

    People with childish behaviours...
  16. K

    The Tech Corner

    Thermaltake versa II with Thermaltake SmarT 650w power supply... [hsimg:1qydz333][/hsimg:1qydz333]
  17. K

    The Tech Corner

    Thanks... built it myself... reason i have 12gb ram is because i end up getting a deal if i take the 3 4gb sticks all together....
  18. K

    FIFA World Cup 2014!

    Brazil vs Germany tomorrow!... This is going to be so epic!
  19. K

    The Tech Corner

    GPU: GeForce GTX 560 Ti CPU: Intel Core i7 870 @2.93GHz (not overclocked) Memory: 12GB DDR3 Ram OS: Windows 7 Ultimate Space: 2TB Hard Drive (looking to get a 512GB SSD though) Runs pretty good for me but my monitor needs chaning... After 8 years of use it now shows a blue line in the center...
  20. K

    Who can unlock a samsung s3?!

    Couldnt have done it without you lol... Man have patience yes... I probably asked him 100 questions.... The problem was that the phone was rooted thus not allowing me to update to kitkat via 'about phone>software update'.... So i had to manually search for the correct version of KitKat on the...