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  1. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Woohhhh sorry to hear Nirtime! Damm that's tough! I take the utmost precautions when dealing with my phones, and even more when dealing with other people's phones! Its really hard to finish a repair and then realize there is a problem! I think its time to upgrade bro! You really think the E970...
  2. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Ayeeee Sonygoup still alive!! I thought those exams would have killed you out like me Any needed assistance bro?
  3. Mr.Bollywood

    Post Pics Of Your Ride!

    What swirls bro? I can't even see any!
  4. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    I agree completely! Digitizer and LCD works is very risky! Even the smallest mistakes can make a mess of your phone, happened to my s3 some time ago I cleaned the LCD a little to hard and messed it up You really need to concentrate on what you're doing when doing a screen repair
  5. Mr.Bollywood

    Official Happy Birthday Thread!

    almost ,missed a birthday today guys!!!! Happy Birthday Rodney! hope you enjoy it bro , best wishes man!
  6. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Hahha not a problem bro!! Glad to help!
  7. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Actually I think this is the one I bought I'm not sure, but this works just great for repairing S3 digitizers
  8. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Dude you would have to bring that down! I spent days searching for it down here locally, businesses that repair phones refused to sell me their tape, I brought down a small roll for myself a few months ago. I should have brought down more because I ran out in August :( but it's really hard to...
  9. Mr.Bollywood

    Old TV Shows We Miss

    Hahahahahhaa honestly I ask the same questions ,but every time I see it I remember why! Its just so darn funny!
  10. Mr.Bollywood

    Longtime Items that we loved!

    Hahahhah Lmao gosh I feel sorry for him...he knows the struggle we faced!
  11. Mr.Bollywood

    New Year Resolution?

    My new years resolution is 5120x2880 xD Lmao hahaha
  12. Mr.Bollywood

    Gross Food and Drinks

    Bush tea isn't gross , that tastes really good!!! I like bush tea, it's sort of a local Lipton tea
  13. Mr.Bollywood

    Cell4Less - Cellular phone shop

    Wowww I'm really sorry to hear that bro!! Honestly I have purchased phone from cell4less before, however had not developed any problems from them before, honestly tho what they did was highly unprofessional, the technician should have registered it, taken it in for examination and let you guys...
  14. Mr.Bollywood

    Post Pics Of Your Ride!

    Nice ride anthone!! And Nirtime!! Awesome dude! For 08 it is in mint condition!! Very well kept, that DIY foamer is really working bro!
  15. Mr.Bollywood

    Daily dose of humor

    Haha no It's the Stigs Rally cousin!!!! *Jeremy Clarkson voice*
  16. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your setup?

    thats really true!! don't worry ill do the same! More pics = the better!
  17. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your setup?

    i know what you mean bro! thats what we were trying to accomplish with the previous build! just remember to post pics of the build!
  18. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your setup?

    well you could check Jerad Campbell on Facebook , or Kelvin Chow they know how to get the links for them there PSIs :D
  19. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your setup?

    Ohh okay bro I know that struggle Lmao Ever thought of using PSI audio subs? My friend using them and even tho he underpowered the system the 8 subs he has could take rell pong I think each is 1200watts Lmao Rell simple ,cheap and effective sub there but not many people use them
  20. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your setup?

    Hahha yes I agree!! Audiopipe is surprisingly good!! Before all the music was stolen I tuned the audiopipe personally and people thought I was running at least a single 12inch sub. Audiopipe rell good for the money! Can't wait to get it back in action again! You should post up a video of...