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  1. Mr.Bollywood

    What is Your Most Valued Posession?

    hmmmmmm this is a good thought provoking thread for me, mainly because i try not to have materialistic ties to anything, however , the one thing i cant live without is my smartphones, i seriously need it, my entire life is on my phones, from school work, back to baby pictures, i have all of it...
  2. Mr.Bollywood

    Idea: Trinimotors Driving Challenge

    OMG That is a magnificent idea ShadowHunter! its so fun and creative xD although i might not be able to do some of those things, but ill try my best! driving challenge starts today! maybe we could organise to have the multiple car excursion as a Trinimotors excursion lime? what you think?
  3. Mr.Bollywood

    Your Last Moments of 2014

    hahahah Nirtime back at it xD I spent the last moments of 2014 talking with the one i really love, she made my entire 2014 year a much better year than i could possibly imagine! I thank god that she was sent into my life! and im extremely happy to end off my year of 2014, in love, fireworks...
  4. Mr.Bollywood

    Happy new year

    Happy New year to everyone! I wish all of you the best for the new year 2015! May God bring his blessings of health, wealth , happiness and prosperity May the new year bring new opportunities for you and your families! continued joy and blessings to every one of the staff and members of Trinimotors!
  5. Mr.Bollywood

    Haters on TriniTuner

    Trinituner down for the count? Trinituner has been down for the past 20 minutes or so , everyone is experiencing problems from ,Not loading to General errors from the MYSQL! No upgrades or anything like that have been implemented for their servers. This problem lasted 30 minutes, now do you...
  6. Mr.Bollywood


    Well the neighbors parang whole day and night yesterday! They were playing it rell loud It was nice! I think it had lime by admin! I wasn't told anything tho :'(
  7. Mr.Bollywood


    Hahahaha yes well done Admin! Props to your amazing work! I'm glad mini puff enjoying the avatar! Maybe she less vex with me now? :') Hahahaha
  8. Mr.Bollywood

    Phone Cases

    Haha yepp Im glad you got thru with the cases! Cell Tech Trading is honestly the best cellular outlet to purchase from Not because the owner is my panda but he's genuinely a good guy with a friendly nature to help check them out for any of your phone needs
  9. Mr.Bollywood

    Longtime Items that we loved!

    Wowww its been a while since I've seen that method! I like this one too
  10. Mr.Bollywood

    So KFC Increase Their prices and did not advertise it!

    Hahahaha wowwwww he needs a gym and a personal instructor, I need that too xD but yes when he hungry he's hungry But didn't kfc decrease their prices after the strike?
  11. Mr.Bollywood

    Pioneer Head Unit defaults to USB

    Actually I'm not sure but that may just be for your model deck My deck which is a cheap pioneer usb deck, default is to go to the radio..even when the usb is inserted. Maybe if you don't mind setting things back up, you can factory reset your deck and change and tune everything back the way...
  12. Mr.Bollywood

    Reasonable Phone Prices

    Wowww Steven that's hard to bear bro! That's rather unfortunate However on the talk of cellular places with good prices. I'd like to also include Bridgecell in the list, they also have reasonable prices, with moderately new phones for sale! They keep updated with the latest phones ,but they...
  13. Mr.Bollywood

    So KFC Increase Their prices and did not advertise it!

    I can attest for this a Christmas by my dad without doubles is not a Christmas We buy atleast 30 doubles to give to everyone on or road Lol Then is doubles eating competition between me, my dad and his friends My dad record is 23 doubles Mine is just 12 :(
  14. Mr.Bollywood

    What Does Your Car Say About You

    Hahha well Yesss gully god and he car pink.... Yea man you definitely not getting robbed I would like to build my FC3S RX7 ,and paint it either White or silver ,that will be a good color scheme for it. Oh and I've seen some ridiculous cars as well. There's this very light brown Nissan B13...
  15. Mr.Bollywood

    Best Christmas Food and Drinks

    OK wow so for the past 2 days My family had prepared and eaten Lasagna Bake turkey Bake/Smoked Chicken Homemade bread Rice Pastel Cooked today was Calaloo Rice Roti Curry aloo Curry chicken Salad Macaroni salad And some other stuff im not aware of So far snacks are Danish cookies...
  16. Mr.Bollywood

    Chikungunya Mosquito virus

    Wow guys! Please take it easy! The pain really is annoying! Well you know you have to drink the paw paw leaves now! Either that or pop Panadine Pills like is sweety! But speedy recovery to you both !
  17. Mr.Bollywood

    Holiday Hacks

    Definitely quite useful hacks! I saw some of them on a YouTube channel already, I can't remember the name of it but I'll post it up if I can find it later But these are very simple to do and saves allot of time and money!
  18. Mr.Bollywood

    New Year Resolution?

    Hahahaha that's the resolution of a 5K screen , most vivid display in the world. This was my new years resolution some years ago......I finally got around to it this year Lmao lost some weight, not much , but it still counts I guess my new years resolution would be along the same lines as...
  19. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Wayssss that's real tough bro sorry to hear that! Honestly if a phone taking up so much of my money, I just sell it and move on, even if it's a loss I build back up to a better model after a while But I know how that feels to bro Some time ago before I started tinkering in phones I carried my...
  20. Mr.Bollywood

    The Tech Corner

    Hahahhah I know the feeling bro! I not at your level yet tho lol but exams had me feeling bummy bro And awesome,one more and your Christmas season finally start! My exams just finished Thursday gone here!