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  1. Mr.Bollywood

    What did you eat today?

    what on the menu today? dhal rice bhagi callallooooooooo stew chicken salad aloo pie chicken noodle soup (for me since i cant eat any heavy foods) and for those who wants desert ICE CREAMMMM AND CAKKEEEE (my brother's birthday was monday lmao) so WHO PASSIN EEEEENNN?
  2. Mr.Bollywood

    What is the meaning of your Avatar?

    meaning of my avatar which is a mazda rx7 , is the fact that i like mazda rx7s and i come from a racing background family of which owns rx7s. however my car of preference is the Nissan Skyline GTR R33. but Rx7 is different and unique , sorta like me :D
  3. Mr.Bollywood

    Official Happy Birthday Thread!

    happy birthday Newone! i hope you have a great day today! although its a rainyone , its still a newone and should be celebrated like any other birthday!! lmao!
  4. Mr.Bollywood

    You Know You're A Trini When......

    yuh know yuh trini when all yuh blue band butter container smelling like curry xD
  5. Mr.Bollywood

    What Color is This Dress?

    actually yes the images have been photoshopped, the original image was purely Black and Blue, however someone took the negative picture of the dress and imposed it over the image of the black and blue, however because some of this see colour differently , some people would tend to recognize the...
  6. Mr.Bollywood

    side glass stolen off car oursite PriceSmart POS

    Saxman thats really unfortunate bro! i really feel for you , my mother experience somewhat similar circumstances on december 13, 2013 , her left backside glass panel on the car was removed, the crooks then opened the car and stole everything inside the car, including all our music, her purse ...
  7. Mr.Bollywood

    Longtime Items that we loved!

    i actually participated in the scalextrix competition!! i still have my set from back in the day! unfortunately only one car works now :( but thats no problem, i hardly have any tracks for it to run on! i found something that was definitely part of my childhood, but again ,the trinimotors app...
  8. Mr.Bollywood

    The 2015 Driving Challenge

    okay i know i have some pics to upload! but i drove a part time 4wd vehicle temporarily yesterday ( i just drove it into the garage lol ) but it was a Ford ranger 4x4 fully loaded. i know i have alot of pics and proof so that shall be uploaded from my phone, when the trinimotors app can upload...
  9. Mr.Bollywood

    Sold New coffee table $250 & Graco Highchair $300.

    New coffee table $300 very nice bro!! excellent price! will go Soon! glws man! take ah bump dey (even tho carnival done xD [stale joke])
  10. Mr.Bollywood

    Keith Rowley Under Fire

    I see no issues with Rowley taking a wine from this girl, and I know this girl as she used to attend a school mutual to myself. she is a very friendly cool person who likes to have a lot of fun! how was Rowley supposed to know she was 17? another thing was that he was not with his wife while...
  11. Mr.Bollywood

    A Quote A Day

    I agree! some of these latest quotes are really thought provoking! nice job Lorenzo!
  12. Mr.Bollywood

    What's your favorite TV Show(s)

    New episodes of The 100, Flash, Arrow, The originals , The Vampire diaries and Impractical jokers are all out during the February month! This also included TOP GEAR SEASON 22!! finally top gear is back out, and they're up to episode 5 tomorrow!
  13. Mr.Bollywood

    Anyone Still Attend Car Shows?

    there's not many exciting car shows again these days, mostly these days there are small sound offs and car displays where there's like 10 cars for the maximum. as Roach said, MK finals are the all and ball car show to attend! one of the best in recent years!
  14. Mr.Bollywood

    For Sale 2013 Lexus LX 570 Base

    All this info will be greatly beneficial for your sales! Also pics pics would help a lot!
  15. Mr.Bollywood

    What Kind of Phone Do You Have?

    what really going on here? everyone jumping to IOS now? my god what a sad day for android. I'm never going back to IOS , no matter how much you try to convince me, my Z2 trumps all the iphones I've used and owned so far including the iPhone 6 the only iPhone I haven't been able to use/own is...
  16. Mr.Bollywood

    Friday Vibes

    that moment when you realise Friday gone already :'( Friday was catch up and recover, no more vybz for me for a longgggg time :'(
  17. Mr.Bollywood

    Earthquakes In T&T 2015

    i personally didnt even feel those earthquakes , i dont even know what i was doing at the time, but it wasnt really strong up diego martin!
  18. Mr.Bollywood

    The 2015 Driving Challenge

    dammit i have to get those pics!! i have a pic of the driving a modified car, however i need to get a pick of me driving the hilux (TAX old model hilux with no power steering) lmao and to get a pic is the problem , i dont wanna be breaking any laws here of using a phone while driving LOL...
  19. Mr.Bollywood

    Whats your favourite Operating System and why?

    my most favourite operating system on all basis , is Google Android, fast, easy to use, customizable , sleek , light, and will be reliable once treated correctly, in close second is Windows 7 for the accessibility and ease in tweaking and customizability , its a very well polished OS and comes...