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  1. casper

    Obama not easy lol

    if u fine that was ting...yuh shoulda hear when he called Kanye a jacka$$ LOL now THAT was funny
  2. casper

    Never Do's

    never hold in a hot pee or a hot $hit :non:
  3. casper

    Whats the story behind your username? then it stuck on me...even teachers call me casper now :Blink:
  4. casper

    Your favorite snack!

    daz nuh really a snack :P i like jordan almonds and big kit kat :wub:
  5. casper

    Ever pay for your driving licenses?

    the amt of money for a lil shoulder ticket now i cud only imagine the charge for this sort of bribe
  6. casper

    Too Flashy!

    thats a nice car...u shouldnt let ppl determine how you wanna live your life man Wispa....your only here for a short while to live your life to the fullest so dont let ppl deter you from doing what you wanna do
  7. casper

    Whats the story behind your username?

    my uncle told me when i was younger i was reallly white so they gave me this name
  8. casper


    i'm casper...i was in here a while ago and caused some bachannal...and i'm sorry... :( was touched and saddened to see a fellow admin go through the pain that ryan is going through and cant imagine how he feels right now if he reached the point where he wants to give up the site.... c'mon...
  9. casper

    MkTriniEvents Creepers crew Getting Bash lol

    hahahhaa u made this thread 2 days ago and nobody hasnt posted in it before sad!!! we have more members in CrEePeRs than you all have active on ure site...hahahhah
  10. casper

    Trinituner is have loads of database errors

    u guys are a bunch of forking nerds.....get a life... deal with it....tuner still makes more money and has more users than you all will ever have.... :icon_mrgreen: in here is only ah setta admins talking to each FAIL!!! stop gossiping and envying other sites like lil bitches
  11. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    yea but study.....its only 2 of u in here now....NO other users talkin but myself.... thats just sad....whatever u say wont help the fact that u guys are petty.....u just lost ure most active user "kevin" due to pettiness.....u should think twice about ure administrative practices u CANNOT...
  12. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    it over cuz u ran off like ah lil girl....come back nah
  13. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    ^^^i deleted ure account cuz as an admin.....i get to see those lil private messages users send to each other.....didnt like some stuff u told roach so i saw it fit to delete ure account as you were up to no good.... sorry if i hurt ure feelings
  14. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    ^^^realise that you saying "guys look how they gettin on and bla bla bla...." when is just you and me talkin???...where are your users other than kevin and me man???? have none?????....wanna burrow some???? u probably didnt delete me as yet cuz u know that this argument is what ure site needs...
  15. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    ^^^^yip.....thats right....and as you said so....keep wasting your money on ure failure :icon_cool:
  16. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    well delete me nah man.....what you waiting for???...u need extra users THAT bad???? LMFAO!!!!
  17. casper

    Posting topics on other forums?

    hahahhaha...this topic is hilarious... as the administrator for i'd like to apologize on behalf of my fellow member Kevin for "stealing" your content.i promise you that this problem will not repeat itself... respect to the owner of this site for whining like a little baby...