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  1. unknown

    Salaries Of Some Trinidad And Tobago's State Enterprises

    State entities: Where proper conditions exist for CORRUPTION! TTEC, WASA, TSTT, Petrotrin etc.. (All approx figures) TTEC CEO - 70 thousand dollars with several perks offered, inclusive of entertainment and travelling allowances WASA - the CEO is currently paid in excess of $80,000 per month...
  2. unknown

    Trinidadians March for Palestine

    Typical and usually thing for some of these people, quick to open their mouth and March for another country but when it comes to the issues in this country they always quiet. It's sad.
  3. unknown

    Bess Doubles In Trinidad And Tobago!

    Doubles is not what it used to be, everyone increased their prices and the quality dropped alot. All they are doing now is making the bara very thin and adding too much of salt for taste. Failure.
  4. unknown

    This pronouns thing is crazy.

    Gender is what's in your pants. Simple. Sexuality is where the confusion lies. The pronoun thing is the result of this confusion. In seeking to explain their feelings, the juxtaposition of labelling ensues. Wanting a label (pronoun), at the same time as not wanting to be objectified or...
  5. unknown

    Little Amazon in cunupia shut down because workers quit.

    People who ill treat they workers should not be in business, They also have animals in cramped spaces and they look very sick. No wonder they don't allow photos at the animal cages. Disgusting people.
  6. unknown

    Little Amazon in cunupia shut down because workers quit.

    Little Amazon in cunupia is know for their stink attitude towards customers and their workers. But apparently as of yesterday the store remains closed because all the workers quit. The old lady there who is a relative of the owner is know for her NASTY attitude, imagine she's over 70 years old...
  7. unknown

    Origins of the names of Towns and Villages in Trinidad

    1. ARIMA is the Amerindian word for “water”. It was so named as the village was built around a river. 2. AROUCA is based around the word “Arauca”, which is the true name for the so-called Arawak. 3. The adjacent beach, BALANDRA, is named after a type of boat that docked there. 4. BARATARIA is...
  8. unknown

    -Carib -vs- Stag-

    Stag well that obvious, Carib looks like piss.
  9. unknown

    Suspect arrested in Tupac shooting

    Wonder if puff daddy will ever get charged. Being a billionaire he maybe can buy his way out.
  10. unknown

    Chaguanas police are in Bed with known criminals.

    The police in central especially chaguanas and cunupia are covering for the criminals in the area. So much criminal activity, so many reports and the police instead of investigating the crime they are informing the criminals of those who made the reports. The criminals are taxing the business...
  11. unknown

    TTASA Competition Drag Racing #6 International

    TTASA Competition Drag Racing #6 International
  12. unknown

    War Of Wheels SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st

    Calling all Off-Road Bikers! REGISTER NOW to reserve your spot today! Registration: $300 | Bike Pass + Driver Pass Only Prizes: $2,000 Winner also holds bragging rights and 1st Place Trophy! Registration at...
  13. unknown

    War Of Wheels SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st

    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st: The Drag Racing Competition - Witness the fastest and fiercest machines battle it out for supremacy! Sound Off - Feel the ground shake as the most powerful car audio systems compete for sonic domination! Anti-Lag - Get ready to hear the sound of these large...
  14. unknown

    Help Save The Cats At The Caroni Bird Sanctuary.

    Yesterday a person by the name of Faraaz Abdool posted about cats killing Scarlet Ibis and they need to be humanely euthanized. Yes you heard that right..blaming the cats! Instead of blasting the poachers who hunt the Scarlet Ibis for their meat and curry it in their kitchen and making omelettes...
  15. unknown

    Venezuelans Are The Reason For Increase Crime In Trinidad & Tobago.

    Venezuelans Are One of the reasons for the Increase crime in Trinidad & Tobago. Lately on the news and social media, you are seeing a rise in crimes being committed by Venezuelans with police raids finding a wide range of drugs and ammo on them. Our boarders are not being protected due to...