Recent content by The Dude

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  1. The Dude

    Who Likes Sound Quality?

    OK so I went into a place in Chaguanas today owned by a guy called Rovin. very well stocked and he seems to know what he talking about. Spent about an hour in there and decided on the following. Memphis 6.5 mid and 1" tweeter in front $500 Memphis 6.5 coaxial in the rear $500 Rockford 10" sub...
  2. The Dude

    What Oils are you Using?

    That's some good prices there. I get my redline a couple dollars cheaper only because I know the dealer he lets me get it for the wholesale price. Tried pricing redline outside and it was about $90. From everything I read it seems that RP, Amsoil and Redline are all excellent brands that...
  3. The Dude

    Who Likes Sound Quality?

    Thanks for the info. After a bit more reading I saw that we seem to have some good focal and DD locally. I'm looking at some focal 6" comps for the front door and maybe a 10" DD for the trunk if it's not too big. I want to keep as much trunk space as possible. I need a woofer that can still keep...
  4. The Dude

    What Oils are you Using?

    Redline 10W40 in my car. Manual calls for 10W30 but says up to 20W50 can be used in high heat or extreme driving conditions. Been using the Redline for a year and about 17,000km so far. I change oil religiously at every 5,000km and filter every 10,000km. The oil always comes out pitch black but...
  5. The Dude

    Who Likes Sound Quality?

    Now re read the thread and saw the "no pioneer" comments. LMAO Looks like I'm going to have to start over. I saw a good 4 channel 50w Alpine amp for the components and a single channel 300W amp for the subwoofer. just need to decide on good speakers and sub right now. 500W is more power than...
  6. The Dude

    Who Likes Sound Quality?

    Looking to install some audio. Nothing much. Tell me what you think. Using three way door speakers with frequency response between 35Hz to 31kHz I think and the Pioneer sub goes down to 20Hz. I'm guessing a crossover anywhere between 80-100Hz should be easily handled by the system. I also...
  7. The Dude

    How To Use A RoundAbout

    Lol nah. I real baby that car. If other people want to rush and scratch up their car that's their business :D
  8. The Dude

    Best Guide For Changing Engine Oil

    True. It's more about just seeing where things are and what guides I need. So far I have never been to a mechanic that fills oil to the correct level. They always overfill it.
  9. The Dude

    Crazy Truck Drivers Rant: Again

    I normally drive around 120 on the highway. If A truck going fast enough to keep up with me the I don't want him anywhere behind me. I move over and let him pass so I could keep an eye on him. But, that's what go me last night. I went from far right lane to far left and he still squeeze through...
  10. The Dude

    How To Use A RoundAbout

    Except me. I slowed down significantly. I was getting in too many accidents that weren't my fault so I figured if I going to crash I rather crash at a lower speed and increase my chances of survival. I'm still on a bike though so I've only added 10 mins to my Chag/POS rush hour run and...
  11. The Dude

    Crazy Truck Drivers Rant: Again

    I swear just a couple hours ago I doin 120 coming south from Munroe and seeing a trailer truck (without the trailer) weaving through cars and coming up fast. I was pulling off by price paza so I say let me get in the left lane early and cool myself and let him go his way. Next thing I know I...
  12. The Dude

    How To Use A RoundAbout

    Oh I almost forgot, if it's heavy peak hour traffic then none of the above applies. Just squeeze wherever you can fit and see if you can gridlock traffic... I normally get cus for leaving space in front me to let other pass when I have nowhere to go so clearly my approach is wrong :(
  13. The Dude

    Any Recommendations or problems?

    If you not getting locally then there us always amazon. it comes up to about the same price.
  14. The Dude

    For Sale Subaru Parts

    What year are those parts for? Are the parts new or used?
  15. The Dude

    How To Use A RoundAbout

    They should really teach you how to use a roundabout when teaching you to drive. Sadly I had to learn the hard way like everyone else. Here is what I've learnt so far. If you are approaching a roundabout or waiting to merge onto one, the cars already on the roundabout (I.e. cars coming from...